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Skykomish River Report
Snohomish County, WA



Corky & Yarn

I had a hot morning but 1 for 5 (no one else catching) should have limited by 7am but having such bad experiences with nets in the past (fish getting nocked loose on me) ive done it to people before. first one draged to shore after a nice fight and a rock to its head i was back for more with a orange corky nothing else fresh liter had the next one on within minuts in inches of water nets all around me decided to pull it up onto shore before it was tired snaped my 12lb liter learned a lesson there not salmon they got more fight beleive it. Yesterday caught a native king at reiter wasnt going to post the pic but first king of the year so here you go im guessin over 20lb but only took out of the water for 10 sec before revival. 2 days ago my mom took a video of someone catching a nice one at reiter going to upload it to you tube tonight under reiter steel head 7/9/12 check that one out, i havent seen it yet.

Keep casting

read zefsides skykomish report on the 7/8 it made this mornings catch happen. ps read the seams in the current.


7/11/2012 9:26:00 PM
Isnt that steelhead wild? i see a fin, correct me if im wrong
7/11/2012 9:27:00 PM
The king is beautiful but not 20 pounds, and you're breaking the law and describing it with pictures on the Internet. Holding wild fish out of the water in WA is illegal for many resons, all centering around keeping fish alive AFTER they swim away. Happy fishing, don't mean to rain on your parade, but please follow the rules. If this comment gets moderated for being "negative," I will send this screen shot to WDFW enforcement officers. It is not my intent to be negative but to be real about the rules. This isn't an elitist attitude, its a responsible one.

PS: Your strategy of dragging fish onto the rocks is going to kill some wild fish.
7/11/2012 9:58:00 PM
@fishingthepacNW nah the hatchery just half ass clips the fins or they heal in a bump, thats a hatchery steelhead, and also about the king thing, thats a damn sweet fish, and there was a photo needed to be shot with that, so if theres not a game warden around, by all means take a photo lol. as long as your not holding him by the gills i dont see why it matters.
7/11/2012 9:58:00 PM
btw, nice job man
7/11/2012 9:58:00 PM
nice fish. sorry i was the guy next to u when the hen broke off, the net i had was too small and thought it was actually more risky trying to net them in head first into a small net when they were still kicking hard. The fish sh def have a lot of fight in them, i was using 10 pound leader and got broken off twice pretty easily.
7/11/2012 9:59:00 PM
I thought it was a native when I first saw that but its a pronounced scar not an adipose fin I checked it real good. My intent is not to break the law or injure fish I'm not going to keep, any insight on a better way to fish would be much appreciated.
7/11/2012 10:10:00 PM
For photos of wilds, I like to BRIEFLY (Everyone) hold the fish roughly halfway out of the water, with wet hands, if it can be done quickly. Makes a better photo anyway, but the photographer needs to be ready ASAP. But yours doesn't sound like a particularly mistreated fish. I once saw a guy drag one onto the rocks, pick it up by the gills, hold it for a picture, then let it go. Pretty sure that one didn't spawn. The Game Warden had a discussion with that one, and handed him some kind of invitation, I think. Nearby fishermen clapped.

Nice fish.
7/11/2012 10:13:00 PM
its not that hard to keep wild fish in the water?
even for a picture, all in all though nice work
7/11/2012 10:41:00 PM
Nice king bbd. I never got a picture of my first king. I still regret it to this day.
7/11/2012 10:52:00 PM
Nice work on the steel! But it is illegal to take the Chinook out of the water (as everyone else has already lol) I just wanted to mention how easy it is to take pics of fish in the water when you have waders on. Just kneel in the shallows with it, and hold it half out of the water (You can see an example on my report from the Sky a few weekends ago) try to keep its gills in the water. I'd hate to see you get a ticket for a fish you can't even take home. Keep up the good work on the steel though!
7/12/2012 6:45:00 PM
bbd that was an very polite and thoughtful comment for someone getting criticized a little on a blog. Thanks. One good suggestion is to carry a rubberized catch and release net or cradle, and another is to do like the last poster said and keep the fish in the water, lifting its head for the shot. My rubberized net rules. It's hook free, easy on fish, and allows me to get them immobilized gently before a quick release PM me for a brand/model if you're interested.

Mike Carey
7/12/2012 8:01:00 PM
I appreciate everyone's civility on this thread. I missed the picture and text (obviously scanning reports too fast) or would have handled this privately with bbd. Thanks
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709