AJ's Dad
4/24/2012 7:46:00 AMJust make sure you release every pike you catch, if you find any, or there won't be any more.

4/24/2012 7:08:00 PM
4/25/2012 8:10:00 AMIn some places in Alaska they are such a problem it's illegal to return a live Pike to the water and it could very well come to that here. Pike are exciting to catch, agreed. Pike are delicious, agreed. But, they won't coexist in the PDO, plain an simple. Eat them all.

4/25/2012 4:28:00 PM
4/26/2012 7:05:00 AMThe indisputable facts are that the little 50 mile stretch of the PDO River is not the same ecosystem, as as in your example, The Great Lakes, etc. The PDO is not the first place invaded by Northerns and won't be the last and they cannot be eliminated now that their here.
For those who would like to know more about what Pike can do to an ecosystem check out what's happening in Alaska: http://www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=invasivepike.main
Or just do a search on Northern Pike and invasive species. Don't take my word for it or Boldasu's either. Become informed!