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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Green River Report
King County, WA


Drift Fishing
Coho Salmon

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I seem to be having the hardest time catching a coho around here.

I've been to the only spot I know on the green just about every other morning the last week or so and haven't had a bite. I fish around the 405 and Southcenter Pkway bridges in Tukwila. Of course when the pinks were running I was hammering them with jigs and DN's, but since the pink run is over, I haven't been able to hook into a silver yet.

I've fished mostly DN's, jigs, spinners, and even drifting/floating eggs. Since I haven't caught a silver yet, I have like zero confidence in everything I throw out right now.

I see silvers turning/jumping out there every now and then, so I know they are out there, I just don't seem to have the right mojo.

I keep seeing reports of people pulling silvers out of the Green every other day, am I just fishing the wrong part of the river? I can't recall haven't such a hard time hooking into a fish before.

I'll keep going out since I love fishing and being out there anyways, and hopefully make a run to one of the more distant and productive rivers in the next week or so.


10/11/2011 3:41:00 PM
What pound test are you using? Dick nites work really well, there's a post in the forum that had a great video seminar by a guide that shows how to use them. Also, for really bite shy fish, try eggs under a bobber. That is one of my goto tactics.
10/11/2011 4:29:00 PM
Keep fishing eggs and spinners. Did you see anything jumping today? I stopped out this afternoon and saw nothing, but the monsoon didn't help.
10/11/2011 5:20:00 PM
I did go out this morning, before the monsoon hit. I did see a couple fish jump.

I'll check out the videos again (I've seen them before), maybe there is something I missed :-)

Also, I'll try the eggs under the bobber again. Thanks for the feedback, lights a fire under me to get back out there!
10/11/2011 5:59:00 PM
If you're still not having luck, I've been getting a few silvers with spinners upriver, in the Auburn area
10/11/2011 6:19:00 PM
Thanks all for the advice. I've even had a member pm with some helpful pointers (which was very gracious of him/her).

I keep hearing people recommend spinners. I've tried doing that a few times, but wasn't sure about the color combo and how to fish them in the current, so it's kind of last resort for me. I have tried #3 blue fox spinners in chartruese/silver and black/silver combos. I throw them across the river and retrieve slow across the current. I had someone tell me they actually use weight and drift the spinner in order to get it deeper, which makes me wonder if I'm not getting deep enough. For anyone familiar with the Green and how fast the current is, maybe you can direct me to a proven color combo and presentation for that river?
10/12/2011 7:12:00 AM
Hey, you're in good company. I've not been able to get anything to work either. I too have tried spinners, spoons, jigs, and corkie and yarn. It's either in the presentation or it's just luck. I haven't figured it out yet.
10/12/2011 8:16:00 AM
Don't get down hearted. The coho around here are pretty fickle and you have to really work on them. Some folks have simple luck with one fish being in the right spot at the right time in the right mood, others have the technique to draw them in even if they are not in the right place or right mood. Those are the guys you want to talk to, unfortunately I am not one of them! I have caught 6 silvers this year so far from the green but none since Sat. It has been slow due to weather and water conditions. Another thing to remember is that alot of people say they are catching silvers but aren't they might not know how to tell the difference between fish. I saw a guy catch a little 8lb chinook buck and round around bragging about his coho, I told him what I thought it was but it took the warden showing him to believe it. Luckily the warden was really patient and did not give him a ticket. So here are my tips.
1. Learn your spot. Every place in the river has different shapes,depths and currents. Learn where the fish hold at, where they move at and learn to fish each area in your spot before moving on. Pinks are easy, just because you slay out pinks in a spot does not mean your going to catch coho in the same place doing the same thing.
2. Learn to apply your gear in the different areas of your spot. IE if you have a nice deep holding pocket learn to jig it well. If you have a nice moving current that the fish are pushing through learn to drift it or run a spinner with or without weight there. Try color combos in each area until your at least getting hits.
3. Learn to modify your technique in each area. IE if your in a deep hole or slack area learn to twitch and pull your jig different ways until your getting interest. If your drifting try various weights and leaders along with retrieves, if your plugging try sweeping your line or adjusting the angle the plug runs at.

The bottom line is that once you learn your spot and learn your technique at that one spot really well you will easily be able to move around to other places see similar water patters, quickly know where the fish are and then apply the techniques. If you don't learn your spot well you will loose heart, loose gear on snags you don't know about and get impatient with the results.

Consider going down to your spot next time and don't make it your aim to catch fish. Make it your aim to learn your spot with the various techniques and judge that by either fish interest or at least a greater understanding of how the fish are moving in your spot. You will quickly appreciate the several days of no fish in exchange for the greater understanding and then you will start to have better results. If you want to speed up this learning curve do one of the following. Go to the spot with someone that knows it, Go learn a technique with someone that knows it well. And then of course always have fun and find the part of fishing that is enjoyable regardless of the fish your catching, that might be scenery (perhaps not on the green), a break from work, or even the joy of learning new techniques and gear. That will keep you coming back for those bomber days! Good Luck - we all get the skunk sometimes!!!
10/16/2011 2:31:00 PM
I'll second natetreat. Came in right behind a guy leaving. In 5 min, landed an 8 lb in great shape. He was fishing with 10/12 lb, I had 6 lb leader. Also, my leader was about 4 ft, drifting with 1/4 ounce pencil lead...The run has slowed down, but fish are still there...
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709