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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Snohomish River Report
Snohomish County, WA



Coho Salmon

Well ok, so to start I rated this day a 5 due to the AMOUNT of fish we caught, mostly all humpys.... but listed it as a Coho report since that is really what we went out after. Launched at Highbridge around 6:00am and was down to 522 and started pulling plugs before all the humpy fisherman came and clogged the place up on anchor, lol. We got 2 good passes in nice and clear before people started piling in. On the second pass we nailed a real nice little ho-ho around 5lbs on an orange brads wiggler. I knew they were in there, you just have to target them! We were the ONLY boat targeting coho in that area, and it payed off for us. After too many boats piled in and we could no longer get a troll we joined the masses on anchor for some pinks. There are SO MANY pinks in this stretch right now, fish on every 2-3 minutes tops. We landed a total of 20-30 pinks from 4-8 lbs, some of them are getting pretty nasty and dark. All pinks were caught on Dick Nite's in either 50/50 or Pink. My buddy kept 4 nice chrome hens, and I kept the 1 coho for the BBQ, actually prepping it to cook now. Yum!! Moral to this story is the Ho's are there, you just gotta actaully FISH FOR THEM, I know, its hard.... especially with a million and a half fish jumping all around the boat. Oh yeah, we also caught a nasty looking humpy buck on the same orange brad's plug, lol. Agressive little buggers.


9/11/2011 6:26:00 PM
Great report, thanks Matt.
9/11/2011 6:27:00 PM
This working 7 days a week just aint fair with guys like U around FISHING 7 days a week LOL. Thanx for the report and photos.
9/11/2011 8:05:00 PM
Thank you for the report Matt, great to here the Coho are here
9/12/2011 11:39:00 AM
SWEET! Glad to hear highbridge is a go again too... So much better than Cady in Snohomish! lol We pulled plugs around Snohomish yesterday with three take downs but nothing stuck. Slalom between all the humpy fishers is always fun haha. Best part is they all feel bad for us when we troll by and say we don't have any fish yet. My freezer and smoker is full of humpies, time to target coho. I knew they were in, and hooked one yesterday twitchin jigs but it came unpinned at the boat.
See ya out there Matt!
Mike Carey
9/12/2011 3:25:00 PM
Matt, were you above or below they 522 bridge? Not that it should matter ...
9/12/2011 4:05:00 PM
We were above the bridge, Mike. Below is rather shallow at this flow and lots more bankies. Below can be very good around 10k cfs.
Mike Carey
9/12/2011 8:23:00 PM
ok, I know both spots. We are going out of Snohomish since the tides will be OK for that launch. I do hate running up through Tomas Eddy - there are so many snags in that big curve, but I really want to give the downstream from Snohomish area a try once more and CAdy just works well for both locations. I thnk we'll have to spend a little time pulling plugs too. thanks.
9/13/2011 3:11:00 PM
I know plugging out in front of the Pilchuck can produce on the incoming, too. Maybe worth a shot. Also the "snaggy" section you are referring to can be really good for coho with bobber eggs.
9/14/2011 2:04:00 PM
When you say "You just gotta fish for them" what is the method for that? How does if differ than pink fishing?
9/14/2011 3:52:00 PM
When you say "You just gotta fish for them" what is the method for that? How does if differ than pink fishing?
9/14/2011 4:08:00 PM
Did you not read the report and all the comments? We were pulling plugs, kwikfish, wiggle warts, brad's wigglers, you know.... trolling!
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709