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Dragoon Creek Report
Spokane County, WA


Brown Trout

I decided to hit some holes in my neck of the woods. There is one rather large brown who has been eluding me for about a month now, biting almost everything I throw at it but I haven't been able to get him on shore yet. Today was different, he wasn't biting, but I did catch a rainbow that was about 16 inches and a pretty good fight for the size. After I got this one on board, I went upstream to a spot that I hadn't hit this year yet. First cast I had 2 fish follow my purple blue fox that appeared to be pretty good size. Next cast a big one hit and peeled line off my reel (pretty tight drag) I got it up to the shore but not far enough to reach it and it fell back into the water and swam off. DAMN YOU! Oh well, I have something to do tomorrow.


Jay K
10/30/2010 6:44:00 PM
Nice report GritStomper. This question is not a "gotcha," but I'm just wondering what the reg's are for Dragoon Creek - are they a part of the Little Spokane River reg's? I'm trying to figure out the whole West Branch and upstream from West Branch division for Little Spokane - anybody know? Is upstream of Eloika considered West Branch? And from Chain Lake to intersection with Eloika the "upstream" portion? Does Dragoon Creek figure into the reg's for Little Spokane? I'd like to fish Dragoon after GritStomper's report, but want to make certain I follow the regs. TIA.
10/30/2010 7:42:00 PM
I think Dragoon follows the Little Spokane regs, I could be wrong. What I do know is that this time of the year not many people go out and fish which means the fish are easier to find and more numerous. Of course you will come across a lot of small fish but its all in fun. A guy I talked to was telling me how the browns are big time preditors so I have been targeting them this time of the year. The browns in Dragoon have beautiful red spots and taste delicious MMM MMMMMMMMMM
Jay K
10/30/2010 7:58:00 PM
@GritStomper - thanks for the reply. I've been looking for some small creeks to Tenkara from - small fish are perfect and Dragoon might be a possibility.
Trout Master
11/5/2010 12:35:00 PM
remember that browns are in spawning mode this time of year.
11/11/2010 9:03:00 AM
that isnt gonna stop me from feeding my family
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709