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Wallace River Report
Snohomish County, WA



Coho Salmon

So i went with my son and my wife to the hatchery at the Wallace to see if anything is happening well the river is low i saw 10 trucks at the bridge and 5 at the mouth and no fish but some kings and the river is way low i am hoping it picks up soon because washington state salmon fishing sucks major right now and that stupid cow in the office is not doing anything to help bring more salmon back to the sound..... LETS HOPE FOR A GREAT SEASON


10/9/2010 6:25:00 PM
Nice report! Why did you post this B#!!S#!T?
10/9/2010 10:51:00 PM
the reason i posted more is because this state is salmon less state i work in Alaska and fishing there is 100 times better then here because the state cares not like here
10/9/2010 11:24:00 PM
uhm this state is not a salmonless state and the quality of salmon fishing isn't because the state doesn't care. the quality of salmon fishing in alaska is just way better than anywhere else in the world.
10/9/2010 11:42:00 PM
Give 'im a break. The river is WAAAAAAY low and the salmon have not been comin in like they should be, like they have in the past. He posted it so that we know the state of the river, since we still gotta drive all the way out there and see for ourselves. The frusteration is felt all round and yea, it's true that Alaska manages their fish better than we do, if they didn't, the world would live without salmon at the store, but we live in Washington, which is closer to the rest of the world and we vote for the people who manage our fisheries. If the fish aint there isn't it nice to know? Just sayin, we shouldn't resent a bad report, we should thank it.
10/10/2010 10:31:00 AM
at least this guy isn't luring you in with a false report just so he can break into your rig. I think the south sound tweakers do that stuff. these days the fishing has to be good enough to outweigh the risk of property damage. I am leaving my glove box open and everything visible so they see i got nothing. i dont know why these combat holes dont go an a 30 minute rotating car watch. time for the fishermen to fight back. if i am fishing for 6 hours i can take a break to watch cars.
10/10/2010 11:47:00 AM
i agree with him, the state is salmonless this year. our liberals could give a care less about our hatcherys. Last year everett derby got 1700 fish for the tournament, this year.......280. That alone tells you how pathetic our hatcherys are. We need to privatize our hatcherys and not let the government run them. Look at the cowlitz, it is not government run and the quality of fishing on that river is better than any river in the state. they have a wonderful retrun of all species of salmon. Its becasue the private industry actually cares. the government.......doesnt
10/10/2010 1:27:00 PM
Well, I've read the posts, and the only comment that is worth paying attention to is the "river is WAAAAY low", and any fool knows that will change with the next rain. The rest are ill advised.
10/11/2010 2:02:00 AM
All i am going to tell you guys is yes the river is low but you may wanna check out the fish and wild life page and do some research and check the numbers in the past 10 yrs and you will see why i made the comment in the beginning about this state and its fishing i gotta tell you guys its not looking so hot any more like it was 10 yrs ago for example this year Ballard Locks Sockeye Salmon Counts June-July 2010 156,752 and in 2009 was 21,718 in 2008 was 33,629 in 2007 was 60,117 and in 2006 if you remember it was that yr that lake Washington was open for few weeks because fishing was great and that was because 418,015 Sockeye came back if the GOVERNOR doesn't use her head and help the hatcheries then our kids and there kids will have nothing to look forward to because salmon numbers will drop more and more every year and then there will be no fishing left to do.
10/11/2010 7:24:00 PM
If you want more hatchery funds, you'd better have bought a two pole endorsement as that's where that cash goes. I know I bought one. Thanks for the report, saves some of us a drive.
10/12/2010 11:40:00 AM
In my post, where I said, "If you", I meant everyone, not trying to single you out in particular. =-)
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709