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South Fork Stillaguamish River Report
Snohomish County, WA


Rainbow Trout

So my brother and I drove out to verlot to catch some trout with Jack Bauer, the dog. We had a good day once we finally made it through the Everett traffic. It was warm, and we wet waded, the three of us from the ranger station up the bridge.

Although we were just spin casting to pass the time, I did learn something: My brother is way better at fishing little trout and little streams than I am. I didn't test it to see if it was because I was with the dog or not, but he hooked and released probably about 30 trout from six to twelve inches. Very feisty little fish, and quite pretty. Jack had a blast, he got to bark at all the fish and swim through the rapids. The water was very warm, and the shallow fast moving bits were the best, from six inches to two feet. Nice country out there, ran into some residents that had a small corgie puppy that wanted to join us.

Of course my brother comes from New York and this is the only kind of fishing he got to do for a while, so he had to show me up. It took me an hour to catch my first fish, turns out that you have to swing the spinner with the current, and flop it arouns a bit to entice the lazy fish to bite in this heat. I'm betting that most of the fish were little steelhead smolt, but they were certainly fun to catch. We used single point barbless hooks and all the fish were released happily back to the water.

And then we went swimming, as I had fallen in, Jack kept dragging me downriver and it got deep enough under the bridge. Was really fun, if you wanna catch trout and don't have anything better to do, they're still biting in the river. We fished the Green River up at flaming geyser the day before, and had about the same luck for the same cute little rainbows. Except for there I forgot Jacks life jacket and he was freaking out, ecause when he tried to swim he just sank. It was confusing for him. Not gonna forget it again.


TB Wannabe
8/16/2010 6:52:00 AM
Thanks for treating the fish so nicely.
8/16/2010 7:06:00 PM
I always have a blast up there on the flyrod, this time of year, with royal coachmans and mosquitos
Rob G.
8/16/2010 8:26:00 PM
I'm not sure how I feel about this ""report"....
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709