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Kalama River Report
Cowlitz County, WA




All rivers local to me closed early. I wanted another chance at my 1st Steelhead. Time seemed to be running out for this year. It was too nice a day to sit around and stare at the tube. So my cousin and I read the recent reports and decide to go try our luck on the Kalama. I had never been there before to fish and wasnt sure what to expect as a bank angler. We had to put our plans on hold until chores were done so we got a later start than we would have liked. We got to Kalama about 1:30 and found there were plenty of turn outs with river access - a nice change of pace for someone that is used to looking at no tresspassing and private property signs everywhere I go.

We hit the water and split up. I went up. My cousin went down. Nothing at all for about the first half hour or so using a trusted mepps steelhead spinner.
Changed color to a brass deep runner as even though it was sunny, there was a shadow hanging over the pool I was targeting. 1st 10 casts, same story. No bites, no nothing. I was starting to think it was time to move on but I would give it just a few more casts (as I always do) Then, it happened. I cast into the same spot, my spinner went in close to the opposite bank and drifted down to the point where it started to swoop out and around toward me when BAM! I mean SLAM! She hit hard and came to the surface for the 1st of many acrobatic displays of fury and flight to come. She ran on me at least five or six times in all. Every time she got tired I would real down on her and take back line that she stole on her previous run for freedom. I had to be careful not to let her keep her full force on my 10 lb mainline / 8 lb leader for long as I was convinced she would snap it as easy as you snap your fingers. I had no net or helper so I knew my only chance was to let her tire herself out. My cousin was nowhere in sight and I had no camera to prove my adventure. I started praying it was a hatchery. The whole time I kept yelling my cousins name hoping he would come to help or at least witness this thing before she broke free. I finally managed to get her to shore and found that my luck was running over today. A beautiful 34 inch - 14 lb. hatchery hen. A keeper! My cousin finally showed back up just in time to see me stand up with this monster in my hands. He was of course thrilled and disgusted at the same time. I had the fishing day of a lifetime I'm sure. I only caught the one and my cousin had no luck but the one I got was more than enough. Loved every minute of it and the views werent half bad either. Hopefully pics post for all to see..... Tight Lines!


2/22/2010 8:01:00 PM
Great report. I would like to see a picture. Send them to mike@washingtonlakes.com he can get them in the report. Bet your smile was longer than the fish!
2/22/2010 8:51:00 PM
Woo hoo! Congratulations and great read on your story too!
2/22/2010 9:59:00 PM
I was on the Kalama the same day, and ironically fished the same two lures...started with a 4/0 mepps and went to a brass vibrax in some really nice looking pools. I was down near the Steelscape plant on the lower river. Nary a bite but it was a beautiful day and wasn't a waste of time at all. Sure beat yardwork...
2/23/2010 8:34:00 AM
I uploaded 2 photos - dont know where they went. Will email Mike and see what happens. Thanks for the feedback. Good luck out there.
2/23/2010 8:56:00 AM
Great going Hawg...congrats on a beauty! Nice read too.
Big Smooth
2/23/2010 9:54:00 AM
Great story! and congrats on the fish :)
2/23/2010 11:52:00 AM
34" !!!!!!! Really?????Damn nice fish!! Nicely writen story HawgSekr. Your cousin will feel better if you share the steelie.
Big Smooth
2/24/2010 7:47:00 AM
Ahhhh! Nice pics too :)
2/24/2010 6:15:00 PM
Congrats! Great story! Thanks
2/24/2010 7:57:00 PM
Congrats! Great story! Thanks
2/25/2010 8:34:00 PM
Nicely done! Great job on the report too, good read! 34" huh! That's a sweet lookin hawg! Wish'n I could find me one but this year so far has been a bust. Good luck out there!
The Fishin Kid
3/6/2010 3:36:00 PM
Wow! Nice report!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709