Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
After 24 years of roofing for the man, the man took me and three others on a guided trip on the satsop--my first time ever for this sort of fishing. I'll keep a long story short; out of the six of us(the guides fished when possible) I'm the only one who caught anything. The guide said that thing you always hear when you go fishing "You should have been here yesterday".The word got out, and the next morning the place was packed with boats, churning up the water and messing up the fishing. My first fish wasn't a steelhead, it was a clipped coho. The guide said I should go out and buy a lottery ticket, cuz coho shouldn't even be in there at this time. I caught a 10 # hatchery and two bigger natives. If I were more in touch with my emotional side, I would have cried when we released the wild ones. Some luck always plays a part in this sport, but learning how that bite feels and learning some patience before setting the hook is key---no premature e jerk ulation. The guide was excellent...wish I could afford that more often. I can't tell you his name in here, but it rhymes with huck.
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service