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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Puyallup River Report
Pierce County, WA


Drift Fishing
Fish Eggs
Hook & Bait

forget about the chum i got a steelhead yesterday it was about six pounds chromer. Fought like crazy it was jumping all over had a blast


12/9/2009 9:33:00 AM
where did you fish at?
12/9/2009 1:11:00 PM
Thats great news! Where were you at?
12/9/2009 2:50:00 PM
Where at on the Puyallup were you?
12/9/2009 7:06:00 PM
you caught a steelhead on the puy and ranked the day a two??? man whats it take for a 5 ??10 steelies? hahahaha just kidding man , yeah its looking good for the water shed this year sounds like he indians missed alot of them on the lower with all the high water. steelies are usually good in the puy and carbon at the end of the chummy run.. and on. GOOD JOB tight lines brothers
12/9/2009 7:49:00 PM
legit man nice catch... is there a strong winter run of steelies on the puy?
12/9/2009 8:12:00 PM
Nice job. The carbon is excellent for steelies and they gotta run up the puyallup to get there. And Im with stephnp a 2? Man metalheads are in my oppinion the hardest fish to catch in WA. Guess if they are in the puyallup Ill start trying for em. The cowlitz has been slow for me so far.
12/10/2009 4:20:00 AM
I'M guessing he caught that fish at the 115 st. hole on accident, trying for chums
12/10/2009 7:44:00 AM
flinginpooh: The Cowlitz Hatchery has been attempting to make their run "Late-Winter" so the hatchery fodder will be in later than normal.
12/10/2009 12:48:00 PM
Nice Job!
Not to rain on your parade but a total of 23 Winter Steelhead made it to Voights Creek Hatchery last year.
Honestly, I am shocked this fishery is open at all.
12/10/2009 5:10:00 PM
I thought 0 returned last year because it was all washed out due to the floods and 23 the year before.
12/10/2009 7:59:00 PM
carbon river ----- 4 years ago was planted with enough smolt to rival some of the most poductive steelhead water in the state.
since that plant four years ago it has been planted annually with mega steelhead smolt since. like sammy said only 23 made it back last year due to flooding and native "accidental steelhead catch" but keep in mind most winter steelhead are atleast 2 - 3 years old making them bigger than their summer buddies most of the time. I know alot of people talk smack but I have hard evidence that proves these 2 - 4 yr. steelies are there for sure. hopefully we will see a good return if these prime conditions for winter steelhead hunting continue and voights doesnt get flooded. keep trying the fish are always one cast away. tight lines
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709