10/7/2009 8:33:00 AM
10/7/2009 9:43:00 AMEnded up leaving early due to the group of 10 people who took my spot while i was tying a new gear on.

10/7/2009 10:29:00 AM
10/7/2009 12:08:00 PMDriving Directions:
I-5 Exit 208, go east .75 mi, Left on 27th Ave NE, follow to end.
Anyway you turn left at the Smoke Signal cigarette shop and follow to the end. I like that gravel bar because there is ALWAYS plenty of room to fish. The river narrows and is deeper by the big rock, and that seems to be a good spot. But if you go left, the river gets slower and sandy, and that is where you can almost pick up a humpie by hand. There are spawned out ones all over the banks.
However, I did see Silvers jumping. You can definitely tell the difference just by eyeballing them.
Got my share of pinks this year and now am targeting Silvers. No luck so far. Am waiting for rain.
My other favorite place is off Boe Road in Stanwood, more downstream. Thousands of Silvers jumping, but not biting. So if you know any tricks, that is the place to catch them.
I think Curado is doing well with the Silvers, maybe I'll start following that guy around. (JK)

10/7/2009 1:39:00 PM
10/7/2009 2:03:00 PM
10/7/2009 4:22:00 PMMy son and I took a trip up to Oso, don't know if you are familiar with the place, but there were lots of salmon spawning there, and lots of Coho and big Kings. So they are moving up the river, but not in large numbers just yet. I'm thinking we need a little rain.
As far as the other fishermen, everyone I've met so far has been just great. Yesterday at Big Rock, there was a chick with a baby in a carrier, and wow, she could cast clear across the river. Lots of fun talking to folks and getting tips.