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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 1 Ilwaco Report



56° - 60°
Coho Salmon
Mostly Sunny
Bait Only

I had the extraordinary chance to go fishing on a charter with a group of people from
NorthwestFishing Reports.Com. I got up at 1am left at 2am to drive down to Ilwaco and after some foggy places a few wrong turns I was in the parking lot in front of Sea Breeze charters at 5:16am.

After a few instructions from Captain Pat Schenk on the Four Sea’sons a 50 foot Rawson we began our trip out. Now it is a good thing that it was a big boat because there was small craft advisory. Wind gust to 21 knots, and yes it did that. Wind wave 4-5 foot, yes I believe that to be true. Going out we had waves over the bow to almost the stern. I tried to get film on how choppy it was but I had to wait because I couldn’t stand and have a camera in my hands. It was about 9am or later before I could try to film.

We were using dipsy divers at different amounts of line out with live bait. They had 10 rods out: 2 at the bow, 8 on the sides and 2 at the stern. The stern got the first 2 fish then the bow limited a few people out. We even had doubles and 1 triple. We had shakers, unclipped fish, just short fish, ones that got away, and I was the last one. I had gone up to the bow when we just needed 4 fish for a boat limit. When I got cold from the wind I went to the back to find out I was the only one who needed a fish. I talked with Josh the deckhand and said that all I needed was fish and he said he would tell the Capt. I said I will do my part and within 2 minutes it was fish on and I got the biggest Coho of the day making a boat limit by noon.

Totally awesome trip aboard the Four Sea’sons.

We are in a battle! Angler against fish! We need an arsenal of weapons and at my site you will find some of those different weapons. For all those who wannafish a lure come in and take a look at WannafishALure.com.
Official WashingtonLakes.com Sponsor


7/16/2016 5:16:00 PM
Fantastic report and sounds like an epic trip!
7/16/2016 5:20:00 PM
Nice catch, great pics, great report. Thnx
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709