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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 10 Seattle - Bremerton Report


Coho Salmon

I last reported on 9/25, and had mentioned then that I had been on a quest to catch Coho Salmon, on a fly rod, from the beach. After 12 or so beach trips, to varying locations, and what seems like several hundred casts later. In varying weather conditions from calm to windy, wet and sunny, cold numb hands to just plain raisin skin from being wet for long periods of time.

On the same AM morning, I finally hooked, and landed one, then another Coho. Walking off the beach with two fish! I had hoped my Coho mojo had begun!

Fueled with the joy of catching a limit, the beach fly fishing quest continued a couple times a week until leaving town on a 9 day Mid-West Pheasant hunting trip on 10/7. I have enjoyed these trips with dear ol' dad, this being our 20 trip in a row! Dad informed my this would likely be his last trip, being 78 year young has finally caught up to him.

This means I had until 10/6 to feed my beach addiction.

Catching up 9/25-10/6: Some beach fly fishing during the week. With boat gear fishing on weekends with the wife.

The days have become a early out of bed, to the beach in the dark blur! Doing my best to recall the previous days beach fishing experience, that occurred before the 9 day Pheasant extravaganza.

On 10/26 and 10/27 the wife and I boat fished area 10. We fished from Meadow point at the green can, and trolled North. This I recall was a windy day! The wife asked where her life jacket was. "in the truck I explained. But there are more under the front seat of the boat". She placed one on, and I asked "if she was scarred"? She said yes! I asked " if she wanted to go in and call it a day". She said "no". I said "it is best to be safe, instead of sorry" and I placed one on as well.

On this day I tried something different. Usually I sit in the back of the boat, steering the kicker while sitting on a cooler, while keeping an eagle eye on both downriggers.

Today, I left the kicker fixed in one position, and steered with the big motor not running. This allowed the wife to sit in the open bow, or steer at the steering wheel, near the front of the boat. While I checked gear for shakers, grass, and fouled gear. When a fish was hooked, we slowed the kicker to a crawl, and let the wind push us. turned the boat broadside to the wind. The side the boat turned broadside was dependent on which rod had the fish on.

On 9/26 My wife and I boat fished area 10. Catching numerous shakers. Receiving numerous hits that did not hook up, or were long distance releases.

Lines in the water at 7am. Limiting on 3 and 4lb Coho by 9:15am. Pictures stored on the Wife's phone.

Coho beach fly quest/boat fishing To be continued...........


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709