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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 6 East Juan De Fuca Strait Report



Coho Salmon

So woke up with excitement after my alarm goes off at 5am. Out of bed to the bathroom to tame my dragons aka morning breath as we all know it, after about 15 minutes I race to the coffee pot to be the first one in line before the pot is done brewing to get my morning Kickstart. Got my cup and as the others rise I get my cup done and waiting for them to clear the thrown so I could go peel the paint and be the first so I don't have to wait for the air to clear so I didn't have one of those sudden urges on the boat. Everyone ready stuff load and off we go headed to the launch. We drop the crab pots and headed to the fishing grounds in the dark. We get there as first light, we ready the rods, yell to our friends on the other boat and the trash talk about who will catch more fish. Ready the down riggers, lines out and down they go. Fish on before the captain gets to his seat to steer the boat in the direction we should be trolling. I couldn't enjoy the beautiful sunrise because I had to keep my eyes on my rod because there was constant action. We were so busy I couldn't get the morning coffee out my system with a quick over the side pee, I would stop in mid stream to grab my rod before the fish was gone.


10/18/2015 8:37:00 AM
Gorgeous sunrise shots and sounds like an awesome morning!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709