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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 9 Admiralty Inlet Report



Pink Salmon
Mostly Sunny

Got back late from a concert last night (The Band Perry) which made it hard to wake up at 4:30 this morning. Launched out of Everett late (6:30) with my dad this time and headed towards Mukilteo. It was a bumpy ride over there, and didnt get much better until later in the morning. Between the wind and the boats blasting by every 2 mins it made my dad a little sick and cold. Anyway, got the gear down and troll for an hour with no bites. We were about to call it and head in due to him feeling sick when we finally get a fish on around 7:45 or so. That gave us a boost so we kept going. No other bites until we get around the shipwreck. Finally the sun was out, and the water calmed down. Then we start marking tons of fish and it was on. 30ft down was the magic depth and we limit out by 9am. They were thick just south of the wreck today. No wonder why all the boats were stacked up there. The funniest thing that happened today was getting a fish on with the dr set 6ft down. I was letting it out when the other pole gets a fish, so I stop and net my dads fish. Then I see the tip bouncing so I grab the rod and there was a fish on the other end and we land it also. They averaged 3 lbs today with 4lbs being the largest and 2.5lbs being the smallest. Green/glow hotspot/ pink squid and white flasher/ pink squid saw about equal action today. Ended up being a good day.


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709