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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 9 Admiralty Inlet Report



Coho Salmon
Bait Only

fished at another of my spots at whidbey, weather was terrible, rain, lightning and 15mph winds, was cold and wet, was deciding with a friend for about 40 min to go or not to go, finally said why not, arrived at the spot, my friend first cast fish on, had it for about 1 minute and lost it, (good size one ). Me first cast about 20 feet from shore fish on, after a short fight , brought it in, nice female coho with eggs, not to big, 4lb 22" My friend second cast and was reeling his bait in, a silver tried to take it 2 feet from shore without success. Action was good for about 35 minutes when we arrived, lots of jumpers, then was slow for the rest of the day, still saw jumpers till we left, but they weren't biting, fished till 7pm was cold called it a day, I caught 1 lost 4. Friend caught 2 lost 2 all within 30 min. Fished with bobber herring.

Tight lines


8/15/2015 8:24:00 PM
Nice report and glad you got some fish. I do, however, want to share some safety information with you that I learned after the fact on a day of fishing two years ago. This info is from the National Weather Service at the following link: http://www.lightningsafety.noaa.gov/tips.shtml

I am pasting in the information that was both a surprise to me and the reason that I will take my chances with Lotto tickets rather than lightning:

"Lightning: What You Need to Know

NO PLACE outside is safe when thunderstorms are in the area!!
If you hear thunder, lightning is close enough to strike you.
When you hear thunder, immediately move to safe shelter: a substantial building with electricity or plumbing or an enclosed, metal-topped vehicle with windows up.
Stay in safe shelter at least 30 minutes after you hear the last sound of thunder."
8/15/2015 8:51:00 PM
Ya I'm on the same boat with you, especially when holding. A carbon fiber rod, when fishing during lighting , however, lighting and thunderstorms. We're when I was driving to go fishing, When i was actually fishing. It was just windy and rain
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709