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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 9 Admiralty Inlet Report



Pink Salmon
Mostly Sunny

Had a little harder time finding the fish this trip. Last week they were stacked up on the eastside of posession bar, this week they were not there. After releasing a half dozen dog fish we decided to move on to the shipwreck. We trolled from the shipwreck heading north and only managed 2 fish in an hour. Pulled the gear and headed back to posession, but this time the southwest end. There we found lots of fish and had our 3 limits by 2:30. Our crab pots didnt do too well, with only 2 keepers in them. We were trolling green/glow hot spots with pink squids 75 ft down in about 90-120 fow. Financially, this was a pretty bad trip. First the boat ramp pay station ran out of paper so we ended up paying twice. Then we had a dog fish splash around at the boat and lost a 12lb downrigger ball and release due to it cutting the braided line (switched to cable after that) and we also lost a flasher/ hoochie setup due to a dog fish. Thats part of fishing though I guess. Good luck out there.


8/10/2015 9:35:00 AM
I have had one of those days, sucks but your right that fishing. Looks like your little girl love fishing, that is wonderful!! Nice job.
the doc
8/10/2015 12:55:00 PM
were your pinks unusually small? been seeing lots that are real runts.
8/10/2015 1:36:00 PM
Thanks Hunter757. Yes, the doc, they are small salmon. We average 2 or 3 fish per trip that are nicer size such as the one in the picture. I will try to get lengths and weights next trip out. The guys on 710 were saying these are the normal size pinks, and that we have been spoiled the last few runs with larger fish.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709