8/26/2014 11:28:00 AM
8/26/2014 4:17:00 PM
8/27/2014 9:49:00 AM
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
3 day report, Friday, launched of Edmonds @ 1800, trolled mid-channel then headed N past ferry to check on pots. Saw some bait but nary a thing except shakers, 1 pot had 4 keepers, other pot looked poached, bait there, nary a crab, headed home to watch the Seahawk game. Saturday on water by 0545, trolled mid-channel again towards N of ferry terminal, 1 pot over 23 crabs, only 3 keepers, other pot had small & females, trolled thru Spanish house a couple times then headed headed out toward Possession & Skagit Head, NOTHING!! Everyone out there was shaking their head, waiting for the day, called it quits @ 1300,... Sunday out again @ 0545, mid-channel and N of ferry terminal to check our pots,...just 2 crabs & 1 rock crab, rebaited & moved pots all 3 days, trolled thru Spanish house again, called it a day at 0930, coming back @ 1900. Went out and had hope, ! pot 3 keepers out of maybe 15 crabs, other pot, looking poached again, nothing but 2 rock crabs, pots are in 70'-85' feet of water, our last one was in 135', went back right after moving pot. Frustrating pulling your pots and having nothing to show,..bait is always there,...
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service