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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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I apologize for the double post, but apparently they didnt like that i said i caught this in Liberty Bay... Twas the best Halibut day 've ever had! Limits of buts and lings by 1pm. This one tipped the scale right around 100lbs according to the chart, caught 5 total for the weekend... Not to mention the plentiful lings and rockies! Id love to tell you where but, youll just have to guess i guess ;)


5/22/2014 6:58:00 PM
nice Butt!
5/22/2014 7:01:00 PM
Great catch! Congrats.
5/27/2014 7:48:00 AM
What do you mean "you can't tell us?" Illegal fishing, poaching? Unless you own the spot............
5/27/2014 8:01:00 AM
nvan- The reason i "CANT TELL YOU" is because 1. Because i don t want to nor do i have to, and 2. i really enjoy fishing my spots either by myself, or with close friends. Not to mention they don t offer a "secret saltwater location" Plus i already told you that i caught it "right there on the bottom". I assure you that it was neither poached nor illegal. It was recorded on my catch card with accurate info including catch area code. So if you work for WDFW you can see the relative area where i caught it when i submit my card at the end of the year. Furthermore nvan- i suggest a much less negative approach in your tactics with trying to gather useful information. Good luck and tight lines for everyone!!! "smile, its free!"
5/27/2014 8:27:00 AM
Just because im feeling generous i will narrow it down for you, all 5 of our halibut (3man crew) were caught in the pacific ocean over the 2 day halibut opener. Not a perfect limit, but darn close!
5/27/2014 4:23:00 PM
well this is pretty funny.. the only reason I know exactly where you caught these fish is because I was fishing in a boat very close to you all day on the opener... I heard you guys screaming and caring on and knew you guys had a nice fish after you harpooned it and then shot it... the dead give away is your hat buddy... remember the hat very distinctly.. but it's a great spot and have fished there for years and will comtinue 140 ft of water...lol
5/27/2014 4:24:00 PM
hey bro what did you get your butts on? we got a couple on cut plug green label herring...
5/28/2014 12:15:00 PM
Alwaysfishing- I usually stick with lead jig heads and plastics, tipped with herring/octopus.. This one was caught on a 4 legged 9" swim creature orange in color, tipped with herring on a 12oz jig head. Thats is a great spot! always something to be caught there. Thats funny you were fishing right there, i know it started with just a few boats, then we rang the 9mm dinner bell and the company doubled! well worth it though, im not so sure any one bait works better than the next, just a matter of timing and placement, when the bite is on its on! lets keep the location on the down low and let the "big boys" keep spending half their salary and day running!
5/29/2014 7:56:00 AM
yes no need to make this spot any more crowded.. got a couple salmon in that spot fishing cut plugs!! and last year the day before the halibut derby we got 136 lber there.. and a 50 lber won the derby...lol that anchored boat had a scent bag down on their downrigger I think cause all the fish were being caught pretty close to that anchered red boat!!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709