11/29/2013 7:41:00 AM
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
This is a combo report for 11/24/2013 and 11/25/2013.
Fishing times: Early morning and afternoon (both days)
Winds: 5mph to 12mph gusts to maybe 15 mph
Temp: Too darned cold on Sunday, got too darned warm Monday (info to follow).
Depth: Varied both days. Depth fished, Sunday varied. Monday a constant 110 ft to 114 ft (if you call that constant).
Gear: Red Racer Flasher, Irish flag Coho Killer w a green hoochie (Sunday), Irish flag Kingfisher (Monday). Scent. Smelly Jelly Shrimp
Launched out of: Shilshole Bay (both Sunday, and Monday)
Target: Black mouth
Reason: To get the monkey off my back.
To start this off I haven't caught a legal Blackmouth/Chinook on a boat in over 5 years. That doesn't mean I haven't caught any Chinook over 22 inches, it just means I haven't had any over 22 inches that didn't have the adipose fin. Or as I call it the bonus fin. If the fish didn't have the adipose fin it was always just a hair shy of the magic size.
Sunday was a little windy, and area in front of Shilshole bay was loaded with sail boats (gee wonder why!) We wandered north to Carkeek where we found the bottom with lines at 142 ft and 132 ft. Friend drags boat into waters around 123 ft and I'm thinking one of us should be hitting the bottom by now or your depth finder is STILL a lying piece of crap. I'm the one that is at 132 ft. and I'm the first one that showed the bounce of bottom. Line pops, I cuss, I reel in, I lose everything. Good news is my dredging friend did manage to catch my flasher and the rest of my gear.
While I'm untangling the mess up of doom my friend stars heading towards Richmond beach. We fished from Richmond beach to just shy of the Edmonds fishing pier. We did spot some bait, and another boat that decided to follow us. They would later tell us that the area was full of bait and fish but no takers.
Sundays end result was 2 flounders, and 4 shakers.
Fish counter at Shilshole said 24 boats and 4 Blackmouth. 2 at Jeff head (which is where I wanted to go but we didn't like the waves.)
Monday: Left late, and decided to launch out of Shilshole again. Originally thought of Possesion Point with the launch out of Everett. I said that will take too much time to and from and no real time to fish.
Water is much calmer, the wind isn't too bad, and only 2 trailers in the lot. We start out right in front of the marina area. Heading a short distance south I pick up (yet again) a legal sized wild Chinook. Released fish and said to my friend we are going to hit this area over again. A few minutes later he gets the first blackmouth keeper on the boat. It's legal but by a nose. Bait galore and about 4 harbor seals in the area. We spent a lot of time between 146 feet to 193 feet of water. Lines again at 110 feet to 114 feet. Most of the success was around 164 feet. Each pass through the area for about 2 hours was at least one fish per rod. Some legal wilds but most were undersized blackmouth. All undersized and illegal wilds were released. A group of porpoises started head bopping a feeding in the area around 2 p.m. My friends rod goes off but his fish is going to come up short. Mine went off at about the same time and is able to take some line off of the rod. I commented every idiot for themselves. As I said his is too small and I start to gain ground. Get the net I order/beg. Ok more of an order. This is legal and I ain't losing it! Friend finally releases his fish but the net has this ability to grab things it's not suppose to grab. Like EVERYTHING! First pass at the net is a miss as the fish isn't ready. One more dive and then it heads to the surface. Small jump and I'm nervous. We did get the fish into the net, and I let out a yell that people in Antarctica may have actually heard. The blackmouth/Chinook monkey is officially off my back.
No further fish to report after that. The bait would scatter, as would the fish. The porpoises and seals were soon nowhere to be found.
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service