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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 10 Seattle - Bremerton Report


71° - 75°
Coho Salmon

Its once again fishing Monday. Didn't get to go Sunday as friend took his brother out and harassed Pinks all afternoon instead.

Friend wanted to go to Everett I said Shilshole, my insane reasoning was that we would be fishing sooner and longer out of Shilshole. Everett requires the trip to Mukilteo and eventually Shipwreck - and well there was also the fog. So we decide to go out of Shilshole and yep the fog is still around. Pick a spot I tell my friend... I don't care where, water and fish are the only requirements. Eventually he does and now the fun starts . He sets up first and I go second. I decide to try 60 Feet, Red Racer Flasher, Red Racer Coho Killer. In 5 minutes I pick up a shaker. Shake my head and wish I had grabbed the rest of my gear - like my spatter backs but they and the hooks are in the car. Back to 60 I go. I mutter I'm not too crazy about the fog and am directionally challenged.

Friend checks his gear and my rod dances. Fish on. I take my sweet time fearing Pink. I'm wrong and am pleased that I have another Coho mark on my card. An hour later I will get decked again, this time at 90 feet. By this time the fog was lifting and I was giddy because I had 2 Coho. We'd have one more hit at the end of the day but it didn't stick. It was still a 4 star day. Fish on the boat and I'm dead tired.


Mike Carey
9/10/2013 6:42:00 AM
that fog is crazy, isn't it? Even with a boat compass and my handheld GPS it still weirds me out.
9/10/2013 1:13:00 PM
We had the compass, and I normally can just look at the shoreline or see a few of the trees and go I know where we are, not so much this time. I see only the tops of some trees, can't see the train tracks, forget about the houses on the hill and for a brief second ask my friend are we closer to Ballard than we are to Kingston..... I then look towards what I'm pretty sure is the south and spot the marina.

So yes it wierded me out a bit.
9/10/2013 1:27:00 PM
Yes, the fog was not good. Launched at Everett yesterday and ran to the Shipwreck. I have 2 GPS receivers with lots of waypts, so no problem knowing where I am but kinda nervous with a bunch of boats running out. Same on the way back. But the fishing was sensational. Dropped gear at 7, couple miles north of the wreck, trolled with the out tide, 2 rods, had 4 Silvers by 7:45! Switched to Pink gear, got 4 Pinks and done by 8:30. Ran along the shore on the way back, fog got worse, just sat around humpy hollow for 2 hours casting jigs with spin rods to kill time, got a couple Pinks which we tossed back. Fog finally lifted a little and ran in. We did the same thing last week, 4 and 4, two rods. I'll be there tomorrow, hope no fog!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709