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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 11 Tacoma - Vashon Report


Pink Salmon

No pinks for us today but we brought a few flounder in for dinner.

I rated this trip a two for a couple reasons,
#1 - We still came home with dinner
#2 - I caught something as long as my leg that resembled a shark...? I had no idea there was anything like that close to shore! We were only in about 40 feet of water. I thought for sure it was the mother of all salmon... ha! Thankfully as soon as it broke the surface it shook my jig loose & went on about his way. It actually scared the hell out of me before it cut itself loose because I know you aren't supposed to take them out of the water (who the hell would want to?) and secondly, I wasn't sure just how in the hell we were going to get the jig out of its lip. Any tips for future reference would be greatly appreciated guys! Do people catch these things often? Oh and for the record, whether you guys tell me it was a shark or a perch, I'm telling everyone I know that it was a 12 foot long great white. Don't judge. So really, anyone know what it might have been? Was a steely gray/blue on top, white belly, mouth on underside & big "nose".
#3 - Best part! I got to meet Salmon Barry! Thanks for all of the tips & chatting with us for a bit! It was great meeting you!


9/2/2013 9:04:00 PM
Sounds exciting! Although Dogfish (Sand sharks) are the most common type of shark caught as byproduct in the Sound, they're easily recognized by their brown skin. You may have hooked into a Sixgill shark. No matter what type of shark you hook, usually best to either get hold of the hook with a pair of pliers while the fish in the water and twist until it pops out or, If you are uncomfortable with that (maybe depending on the type of shark), then cut the line and let the fish have the hook.
9/2/2013 9:59:00 PM
It was definitely a steely blueish gray color. Will have to google check now that I know what it could have been :) It completely destroyed my jig so letting them have it in the future sounds like a damn fine plan to me haha!
9/2/2013 10:40:00 PM
checked google images :( ... I'm sticking with great white.
9/2/2013 10:46:00 PM
It was great meeting you guys too! I hooked a dogfish also on a jig so always carry one of those long handled pliers that can just grip the hook or jig and shake it loose; but beware of their spiny barb that is in front of their tail as they will arch their body to try and get you with it and it hurts!
Jake Dogfish
9/3/2013 4:42:00 AM
Glad you got some Dogfish Action! Thanks for the report.
9/3/2013 5:05:00 PM
Long handled pliers, check!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709