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Area 8-2 Ports Susan and Gardner Report



Launched at Kayak Point county park for some opening day crabing in the Port Susan area. Got twelve crab total but took a lot of work to do it. Not nearly as good as years past on opening day.

Quite a few disapointed people from what I gathered. We started out about eleven mid morning and were averaging about 6 crabs in each pot with one keeper. After the tide change at 2pm we only got two keepers out of 8 pulls. Chicken for bait and I usually hang about 60-80 ft. A buddy trying out of north Camano did roughly the same numbers but less time to do it. I'd try elsewhere if your going out this wknd.


7/3/2013 10:37:00 AM
We hit 9, pots in at 0930 out at 1, dude flipped his 10 ft aluminum. We scooped him up and drug his boat to shore, Tribe was out thick all weekend. It will take a few weeks for crab to move around I'd say. The tide wasn't so good for crabbing if ya ask me, slow water.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709