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Area 9 Admiralty Inlet Report



71° - 75°
Coho Salmon

Launched b/f 6am in Everett. I have NEVER seen so many boats out on the water, but I never really fish the Puget Sound on weekends. HAPPY to report, EVERYONE at launch & on the water was in good-spirits/no bad antics or crossed gear that we noticed. SUGGESTION- Wished we would have hit Mukilteo Launch b/c nobody was there when we drove by and would have saved time/gas to get to the circus.

I was using a rod w/duct-tape holding it together at mid-section, a 20+ y/o DeepSix #1, Flasher and squid(high-quality gear!). All had so much rust on them from tackle-box, i soaked night before in DAWN. Still looking HORRID w/ rust-colors, just south of Muk Ferry dock, I lathered all up w/ Mike's Shrimp GLOW Scent/dumped DeepSix out. Less than 40 pulls out - 'WHAM' before i even had the 50-60 pulls out- FISH ON. My bud/I thought it was going to be hot since landing coho w/in a min of putting down. It was a bit slow after that. We saw only five boats, out of hundreds, who were having action. We saw <10 boats in a couple hours-period heading back north assuming they limited out. Missed two hits that popped my DeepSix out and another that managed to snap my 30LB leader in the middle costing me flasher/squid. ~8am, got another one while i was less than 30' out from back from boat reeling in to clean off rubbish. I was done. My bud, w/ all new gear, decided to use my beater set-up. About 10am, nailed a 3rd Coho and my old-a$$ rod broke right where duct-tape was holding it together. He needed to go get ready for football-watching, so we headed back. A nice day, but if NOT for a football-watcher, I would have insisted on staying out until boating a 4th. The 3 were btween ~6lb-9lb and holding nice roe for bait.

Enjoy the SHOW out there! Looking fwd to them hitting the river-system hard soon!


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709