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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Bait Only

Note: this is not a Washington report. But I am from washington and a member of washingtonlakes.com and wanted to share my expierence with you guys.
Went on a family vacation to the florida keys , went out fishing a little in the flats catching a variety of species from bone fish , permit , cuda and shark . But the trip was really about my dream fish TARPON. set out around 5:00pm et . it was a good night to fish temp was around 80 degrees with low humidity that night. we were drifting break away floats and 12'' to 15'' mullet suspended about 4 feet below. started slow with no bites and was looking grim. when out of no where my float exploded and so did the mighty tarpon.my guess is he jumped about 5 to 8 ft. out of the water, after what i can only explain as adrenaline pumping line peeling drag screaming for about 30 sec. I would gain line he would take it right back off ,over and over i am guessing probably 200 yards ripping off my reel each time i was left wondering " can i really do this? " turns out I could and man was it a great feeling. we landed him about fifty minutes later.
160 lbs. 73'' X 42" a real trophy, they have been known to get bigger but good luck landed them. these fish will break any of the tackle we use over here pretty much. unless you rock a halibut rod. and in that case it still would be tough. thanks to a good captain and my cheering squad I got him in. fish was released un harmed!
Can't wait for some smaller fish! sounds bad but I AM SERIOUS . ready for salmon season!
Tight lines guys see ya on the river!


6/1/2010 10:47:00 PM
Great report. Thank you.
6/2/2010 3:20:00 PM
Sweet, man. That must have been awesome.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709