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Area 8-2 Ports Susan and Gardner Report


Pink Salmon
All Day

Took 2 friends out to see if the pinks were still around the shipwreck. Got a late start; lines were wet at 9am. We were watching for jumping/rolling fish and casting buzz bombs into them. Started hot with 4 fish on in the first :45 minutes, landing one of them. Then it slowed down as the fish went deeper and and the wind/current got strong. Over the next several hours we landed 3 more and around 3pm the wind subsided and the fish came back to the surface. We ended up getting our limit by around 5:45pm. Final count was: hooked 20, landed 13, kept 12. We caught fish at a variety of water depth. The last 2 fish we caught were in 8ft of water right in front of the shipwreck. Downrigger fishermen seemed to be doing well in the morning, but many left when the wind picked up. Still a lot fish in the area and I'm guessing will be good for another week or 2. Great day with old friends !!!


9/12/2009 9:36:00 AM
there was supposed to be a picture attached.. .
9/12/2009 4:15:00 PM
Heck with the Pinks. I fished the Shipwreck on Thursday by myself. Lost three Silvers in a row, I was getting frustrated. Finally landed two bucks about 10 pds each. 65 feet on the DR, hot spot, dk grn glo squid. Further out in the channel, prob 3/4 mile to 1 mile.
9/12/2009 6:32:00 PM
I disagree. The pinks have been fantastic this year and some of the best eating salmon I have had in several years. I do love the silvers though and today's 2 were about 8 pounds each. great job Matt !
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709