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Area 9 Admiralty Inlet Report


Pink Salmon

We braved the 21 mph winds and 4 to 5 foot swells this morning at the Shipwreck. In 2 hours we saw fish jump but had no takers. I believe the barometric pressure plays a role in the bite which this morning was nonexistent. On the way in, as we approached the entrance to the Everett launch, a 14’ lake boat occupied by a couple in their 50’s approached us going out and asked us how the weather was out there. We told them and they turned right around and went towards the slough. I believe that was the best decision they likely made all year. Before we spoke with them I thought to myself, I hope I don’t hear about them on the five o’clock news tonight. I’m glad they made the safe decision. Their boat was not fit for the waves and high wind that awaited them had they continued. I am hoping for better weather conditions tomorrow which will likely be my last time out (at least during the week while on vacation) for pinks, and I will change my focus to the rivers until the run is over. See ya out there.


Mike Carey
9/3/2009 7:18:00 PM
ouch. tough conditions. Better tomorrow - front morning through, just like last week when we ran into each other.
9/3/2009 9:14:00 PM
I was out myself, and can confirm the tough conditions. On my way in I tried casting to the jumpers in the no wake zone, but I couldn't coax them into biting either. All in all a day to forget. Will be out in the madness this weekend. Good luck
9/5/2009 7:34:00 AM
Thanks for the backup Phantom. That wind was howling and the waves were tall! I had water over the bow of my boat more than once. My boat is great in those types of conditions so I wasn't worried about capsizing or other issues related to boat safety in bad weather. I just couldn't keep the boat straight and the sea weed would not stay off of our flashers. I also noticed the jumpers in the no wake zone. At least you casted to them. Those lucky ones get to enter the river for round 2 with all the river fishermen and women. I will be one of them starting next weekend.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709