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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Pine Lake Report
King County, WA


51° - 55°
Rainbow Trout
56° - 60°

I've enjoyed reading all the posts and so want to contribute with my first report here! I just bought my first fishing boat on a trailer, a 12 ft aluminum made in 1974! Spent the last 2 weeks fixing it up, registering it and the trailer and was excited to get out there fir the first time on opening day at Pine Lake and it went very well. I showed up at 9am and the dock was packed. Waited my turn to launch my boat at the ramp while boats were already coming in with their limits. I headed out and started trolling with a small weighted spoon and no weight and a half hour later hooked one on the north end of the lake trolling with the wind while setting up my Deeper fish finder. Stayed around there and toward the cove for awhile trying different lures and weight combos since the deeper was showing fish everywhere. Finally hit the jackpot with a 1/4 oz keel weight and about 4 feet of leader and tied on a copper triple teaser. I'm guessing I was fishing about 10 feet down with that and then started consistently getting bites and fish. Probably brought in 10 and let them all go with little harm using single barbless hooks and just unhooking them while in the water. I always thought that if you find the trout, especially stockers, they would pretty much hit anything but I was wrong today. I switched to a God's tooth to try to prove myself right staying in the area I was catching them and I wasn't getting hardly anything with that lure. That triple teaser must be 20 years old and showing some rust but it beat out everything else I put out there. Going to get a few more of those in the box for next time.


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709