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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Banks Lake Report
Grant County, WA


41° - 45°
Ice Fishing
Hook & Bait
All Night
Under 40°

This is going to be a long winded report. So please, bear with me. I fished from Friday night, March 10th till Saturday morning March 11th.

Arrived in electric city, Friday around 1400, had to kill am hour before we could check into the hotel. Drove down the lake to steamboat state park. Seem the waterfalls that formed from the run off. Those were pretty neat. Got back from the drive and checked into the hotel. Grand couliee hotel is a great little place to stay. After getting the wife,kids and dog situated. I was able to go hit the ice.

Arrived to the lake around 1600, clear sunny skies and about 50° temps and high hopes welcomed us. Had my arsenal of spoons, jigs, rippin raps, maggots and wax worms set to rock and roll. Paid my parking fee and we were on our way. Had the 8yr old daughter in tow, so we proceeded to make our way towards the village that was out on the ice. Started drilling 500 yards from shore, 56fow was the depth, ice was 8". Dropped the ducer down, and seen fish immediately. Rigged her up with a small spoon and 3 Maggie's. Dropped it down, fish came up, looked at it. And Swam off. Little did I know. That would be the same story for the next 16 hours. For me anyway. Drilled a line of holes 30' apart looking for contours. Turns out I was on a big big flat. 56' across a 100yard stretch of water. Ser up the new pop up ice shack. Shappell wide house 4500. Super nice for not ever having one before. Great wind breaker. Anyways drill my 3 holes inside the shack. (One for jigging, one for a set bottom line and one for the flasher) get some movement down below. But no takers. Drill 6 more holes towards the middle of the lake.. We fished until 1830 with no bites. They would shoot up off the bottom when I dropped the jiggin shad rap or pimple down there ripped with a waxie. But turn their nose at it just as quick.. got off the water at 1900, talked to the resort guy, he said that people were using shrimp..i didn't think anything of it, didn't buy any. Got crawlers instead, figured if shrimp would work crawlers woulda as well. Boy was I wrong.
0100 and I'm back on my spot, marking fish bit no takers.. kind of frustrating but I'm fishing. The wind picked up around 03, so I hunkered in the shack. Which was really nice.. anyway, fish would . Show up. Investigate the worm. And then swim away... again and again. 0600 rolls around and getting desperate, I did a quick YouTube search of whitefish tactics, a small white tube or grub work well. Tie one of each on, and lone behold i have fish casing the tube 20' off the bottom. But again, they would get to it, then turn away immediately.

Pack up shop at 0700, go to safeway. Get a pack of small small shrimp. Grab some breakfast and the 2 youngins and head back out for a couple hours thinking "I've got the golden ticket, no fish is safe now!!" Set up on the same spot as before. Marked fish right away, slapped some shrimp on a rattle spoon and a perch eye jig under a bobber for the kids in hopes that the fish would annihilate the lures. Noooope. They looked. And Swam away. I was .going around outside with the same results. They would rocket up. Chase it. But hang around for a bit, then slowly swim back down.. packed up after an hour because the youngins got cold.

Talk about a learning experience. 0 fish, but still a great time. Should have went and asked the village what the hot ticket items were instead of struggling for 12+ hours. Going to make my own pink shrimp with the ones I bought, hoping that I can get back within the week or next weekend if the ice and weather hold out. And hopefully catch some fish!!


AJ's Dad
3/12/2017 9:20:00 AM
I haven't fished Banks for whitefish for a number of years now but when we did, it was usually a very successful trip. We parked on the dam or whatever it's called at the end of the lake and walked onto the ice on the north side, opposite the Coulee playland. Hooks and bait were always the same. The old Glo Hooks with 2 maggots on them. and just enough weight to get the bait down just off the bottom. Nobody had ever heard of drop shotting back then.. We always had a camera flash along to light up the hooks. It seemed to make their light last longer. We always fished at night. Got there a couple hours after dark and fished till we had had enough, good or bad. The trick with the whiteys was always the same. Watch your rod tip as closely as possible because they didn't bite like any other fish. We had a better chance with a very flexible tip, or one of those little red bead bite indicators on a fine wire. A very small slip bobber about the size of one of those foam ear plugs worked great as well. They bite veeeerrrry, lite, but fought veeerrry hard. If we even saw the rod tip look like it was moving, the hook set was on. I remember the first one I ever caught. They guy teaching us how to do it was catching fish after fish, and my brother and I were getting nothing. Finally the guy says, your not catching fish because your not setting the hook when they bite. You're getting a bite right now. My rod tip was making the very slightest, very slow motion drop towards the hole that you can imagine. I thought it was the breeze that was blowing. The rod tip was only moving about a half inch. I grabbed the rod and set the hook. Fish on. OL Dave just sat there and laughed. "I could of watched you guys sit there getting bites all night. HAHAHA". We learned a lot from Dave, He passed away a few years ago. Good times. Stay after them. Once you get em figured out you can have some great fun with white fish.
3/12/2017 10:10:00 AM
I was trying to coax in the more aggressive fish. But this late in the season they were accustom to eating shrimp at least that's what I think. Or something with shrimp flavoring, I've caught them before in the rivers back in Michigan when they go up and spawn, and theyll eat a curly tail grub. This was a great learning experience though. I Had a little uv light for the jigs, that worked out pretty good surprisingly. I can imagine on first ice that they are aggressive and will eat a jig or a spoon
3/13/2017 9:17:00 AM
Great report! Certainly no lack of determination!
I have a 4 day weekend trip planned there for early next month and am counting on the ice being well gone, but look forward to hearing about your trip out there again in a few days.
3/13/2017 8:59:00 PM
Nice to see a fishing report on lake whitefish coming from Banks Lake. I applaud your efforts in chasing these fish, especially with kids in tow. I have fished that same area a few times during the winter from a boat targeting the whitefish and found the fish to be very finicky biters. I know alot of shore fishermen were using small salad shrimp and doing well. Two years ago, I fished next to two Russian men who put 30 whitefish in their 12 ft boat and had nowhere to stand on the floor board, it was an awesome sight! They were using small blade baits at the time and jigging aggressively and also catching quite a few burbot at the same time. Even this late in the season, I think you can be successful if you just tweak your bait, jigging technique or tackle just a bit . Good luck next time you get out and hope you report again. Thanks.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709