7/20/2016 8:06:00 AM
7/20/2016 11:58:00 AMI recognize where you're at from the pictures. That whole end of the lake is just beautiful and Bayview is a nice launch too. I love going fishing down there just because of the scenery. And there are usually tons of bluebacks in that whole area as well as the east side of the lake near where the various creeks dump in.
Next time you're in the area, give Hayden Lake a try. The bluebacks are an early spawning strain and they get much bigger than the Kokes in LPO and the meat is reddish orange and tasty. Hayden's fish will be turning red here in 2-3 weeks though, and fishing slows considerably. June and July are the hot months. Fish between English Point and Yellowstone point if you make it there.
LPO will be good for bluebacks well into October, when they start turnin red.

7/20/2016 12:10:00 PM
Mark Bove
8/8/2016 1:02:00 PM
Mark Bove
9/12/2016 3:09:00 PM-Spots are more numerous toward the posterior of the fish
- Mouth extends well past eye
-Coloration of the fish is indicative of an ad fluvial West Slope Cutthroat, not a sexually immature chrome colored Gerrard rainbow.
-Photo does not show slashes, which can be fainter in lake fish, but If I where to inspect the fish with 100% certainty this fish would show faint but visible cutthroat slashes.
I am 99.999999999 percent certain that this is a west lope cutthroat.