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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Sammamish Lake Report
King County, WA



66° - 70°
Cutthroat Trout
Mack's Wedding Ring
All Day
51° - 55°

Well, the last few days for me have been an absolute blast. 3 days, 3 locations, and lots of fish. I will have 3 posts in quick succession here (starting with Sammamish and ending at Beaver). check them out!!


after some yearly doctor's appointments this week, (this is spring break for those of us kids in christian schools), i had to get out on the water! i also hadn't run the boat in over a month... so i looked at Gracie the WonderDog and Mom and said," I'm going fishing..... you in?" eager to come, we loaded up my car, hooked up the boat and took off. (with a quick doctors appointment at 7.) after the pitstop at McDonalds for some food, we launched and headed for the center of the lake. lines down at 9:45-50. took about 45 mins to find the fish and get the colors (wedding ring and a nightcrawler) and depths, but when we found them, we got them. first fish bit and it was a nice 15" cut. knocked him, bled him, back in the water again. 10 mins later, wham same rod and fish in the boat. cookie cutter 15" cut. nothing was happening on the other rod, so i pulled it up, and changed from a 4/0 Dick Nite Dodger to a Flash-Lite in silver and a green wedding ring. then 2 more fish in the Downrigger rod with the new Flash Lite setup. by this time, it was about 11:45, and Gracie needed a pee-break and i could use some lunch. so we ran ashore, ate lunch and let Gracie run around for a little while. after that, grabbed 2 more fish on the way to the launch and took off.

it was a great day on the water, and any day you can grab 6 fish is fantastic. if we wouldn't have gone in for lunch, we would have had good chance at a limit. we were on them.

the setup of the day was: Green wedding rings with nightcrawlers and a FlashLite or Ford Fender.


4/5/2016 10:57:00 AM
Nice report! What depth were you finding these, and how fast were you trolling? Thanks
4/5/2016 10:08:00 PM
These guys were around the 15-20 foot range in the downrigger or diver. I kept it between 1.5 and 1.7. A medium troll does the trick pretty well... When the Kokanee are biting in the lake, try speeding up the troll a bit. That seems to keep some of them off and get more cuts to some extent.

Green and red seem to be the best 2 colors on wedding rings as well.

Tight lines
4/13/2016 11:37:00 AM
Thanks so much!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709