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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Loon Lake Report
Stevens County, WA


76° - 80°
Bottom Fishing From Boat
71° - 75°

Well.......it had to happen sooner or later; but first the saga:

I took my friend Brick out for the first time after he had major surgery last fall. He really is feeling good finally after a long recovery. Put the boat in at the WDFW launch around 7:30 PM and noticed the lake is really down from last week. Headed down the lake towards the Granite Point end and was standing up when something went in my eye (had to go behind my glasses) felt like a sharp grain of sand. Maybe a bug?

Set up in the usual place, got a bite right away and thought all was well. Seems the bug was still in my eye making life miserable; oh well fish to catch if I can just see that rod tip! Now the light from the gas lantern begins to dim and then goes out. What no propane in a 5 gallon bottle...really?? Time to don the head lamps and keep fishing....two strikes almost out.

The fish just really weren't biting so moved the boat to 36/38' to try deeper. Had a little flurry of activity around 11:30 PM I caught four and Brick caught one. Eye killing me by now so pulled up and headed for the launch. Drive back to Spokane was miserable. Washed the eye out when we got to Brick's house, thanks Gail. Finally decided to go to the Emergency room (don't go on Friday nite/Saturday AM if you can help it) Checked in at 2:00 AM and was finally seen at 6:00 AM, long nite for sure. Just as I was walking down the hall to be seen by the doctor the foreign object seemed to come out of my eye. The doc said I had a scratched cornea....not fun. Should heal in a couple of days; will live to fish again..yahoo!

So there you have it. Life is a tapestry of many things. I am always thankful for friends, and the ability to enjoy this journey we call life on this earth.

Tight lines - Alan


8/1/2015 7:09:00 PM
Sorry to hear you had a rough night. Glad the eye will heal. May your next trip be more successful.
8/2/2015 6:21:00 AM
I feel your pain Alan and a scratched cornea is no fun. BTDT with a patch on my left eye for two days. Ever try to wear glasses with a patch over one eye? The good news is you got your friend out fishing even if the trip wasn't a 100% success and that's what matters. Heal up and repeat the trip, you'll get 'em. ;-)
8/2/2015 12:44:00 PM
Propane update - It wasn't out after all. Seems the rocking of the boat loosened the nut at the bottle connection. The new bottles won't dispense propane if the plastic nut is loose....go figure!
8/2/2015 2:39:00 PM
Alan, Brick is lucky to have a friend like you. Good times will come your way again. Andy
8/2/2015 3:04:00 PM
afk, I didn't tell the rest of the story - Brick took me to the emergency at 2:00 AM and stayed with me until I was released shortly before 7 AM.
A true friend who stayed up all night for me. I am blessed indeed!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709