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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Wye Lake Report
Kitsap County, WA


Largemouth Bass

Fishing solo I launched my small boat onto Wye Lake. It was cool and a little foggy as I arrived at the WDFW public access area. No other rigs at the access area. Fishing conditions were near perfect with very little wind - perfect Rapala water. I fished most of the lake without a single strike. Would have thought the WDFW had Rotenoned the lake but I did see 2 very nice fish finning in shallow water that looked to be between 3 and 4 pounds each. They looked like they were sneering at me as they passed by and looked up. I took a photo of the dock where I seen these fish. And, I did have one small follower on a Rapala that was maybe 10 inches. At least the little one didn't have a sneer on his face as he veered away. Fished almost of the entire lake. Found some new weeds near the access. Took a photo and will send it to the WDFW. I have never did well on this lake in the spring time but usually do well during the early fall. The fishing reports limits you to top water or bottom fishing. Bass fishermen to both but that option is not available. Same with lures - the reports limits you to one - bass fishermen use many different lures. Maybe our friend Aaron can take care of this when he gets time.


5/27/2015 2:06:00 PM
Sorry Bob, but we just can't add generic items to a list of specific items. The end result is the same as not answering the question at all. If you use 10 things but at least specify 1 that worked that's better then using 3 items that work and specifying that you generically used "many items"... The data collected is for running reports on for historical purposes and having a data point that states the most popular lure on area X is "many items" just doesn't seem useful in any way. In place of that, you should just describe the items that worked in your report and choose the best one that worked for the tackle and Method items.
bob johansen
5/28/2015 8:44:00 AM
Thanks Aaron. You have been doing a great job for the site.
5/29/2015 4:42:00 AM
Yes, thanks Aaron, I am on the site nearly every day and always check past reports for lakes I am going to fish to look for any patterns.
Bob, like the saying goes, a bad day fishing is better than a good day working...
bob johansen
5/29/2015 8:11:00 AM
Bothell Bass Man - Actually it a great day of fishing - just not catching.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709