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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Clear Lake Report
Pierce County, WA



61° - 65°
Bottom Fishing From Boat
Smallmouth Bass
Mostly Sunny
61° - 65°

Had a good day on the water today and last week as well. Did not get to the lake till about 10:00 and there was almost no where to park. Guess I'm not the only one with week days off. Had a good mix of sun and clouds. Winds were blowing steady from the SW with gusts near 20 mph. The wind was a challenge but it definitely helped the fishing especially since this lake is so clear. Did most my damage with the jerkbait while the wife worked the senko with good success. Fish were very active in the north east part of the lake that was getting pounded by wind but the wife had enough wind so we mover to the south east corner to get out of it. Had to work a littler harder and abandon the jerkbait for a senko and a tube. Saw several beds with a few bass on them. Never been much of a bed fisherman but decided to give one a try. It was at the end of a dock we were fishing. Saw a small fish on it. Dropped a tube in the middle of the nest and he picked it up and started swimming away. Little bigger that I thought about 13-14 inches by clearly a skinny little male. That was enough bed fishing for one day back to grinding it out. All in all good day. Last week was very similar. Caught some big fish. Several right at 3 lbs and a 6lb 3oz. Giant. Also saw another one over 4 just laying on her side on the bottom in about 10 ft of water thought it was dead so I drug a jig by and bumped it and it uprighted and slowly swam off. I guess females will lay and rest on the bottom to recover from spawning from what I understand.


chris adams
5/5/2015 11:16:00 AM
What did you catch the 6 pounder on? Are all the fish shallow I never fished that lake looks like u had a great time give me some info if possible 805-798-4607
5/5/2015 11:36:00 AM
right now senko type lures are working great around docks and laydowns in shallow water 0-12 ft. alot of fish are up shallow wanting to spawn. when the wind is blowing I'll switch to reaction lures like jerkbaits/crankbaits/spinnerbaits. there are alot of active fish shallow right now so you should have good success. you will have to weed through alot of dinks but they are still fun to catch.
the piranha
5/5/2015 3:43:00 PM
It was dead calm Sunday, I didn't get a single hit. I'm on vacation all next week . I should get a couple then.
bob johansen
5/6/2015 9:33:00 AM
Very nice smallies - I have fished that lake several times and caught some nice largemouth but no smalllies.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709