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Tye Lake Report
Snohomish County, WA



61° - 65°

Another weird luck for my brother who caught a catfish on a kastmaster lure, which is strange, because catfish is usually caught on bait, so that's 2 for 2 for him, sucker fish the other day, cat fish today.

Fished lake tye from around 6:30pm for trout, bank fishing was ok, caught 7 or so, brother caught 9 + the cat fish (all fish Safely released ) was windy and cold, fish were not to aggressive for lures, fly fished from 7:45pm-8:15pm when wind died down, had 3 hard take downs on a small minnow Imatation fly, but nothing landed,

Tight lines


4/18/2015 8:16:00 AM
Wow that's a special kastmaster lol I heard there's some Kokanee in there too
4/18/2015 9:44:00 AM
That is a nice sized bullhead
4/18/2015 11:39:00 AM
Looks to e a special kastmaster lol.

No I haven't seen any Kokanee there, it's not deep enough of a lake for Kokanee, than yet again you never know
4/18/2015 9:56:00 PM
Yeah idk just heard from a couple folks they have caught one or two Mabey accidentally dropped in atleast that's what I've heard but I'm jellious I want to catch some catfish around here I'm going Monday to see if I can get some trout of shore fishing
4/19/2015 11:27:00 AM
Actually my brother told me yesterday 2 years ago he actually caught a nice 15.5" that's looked like a Kokanee (I was there also and saw it) the Kokanee was very bright and had big eyes, it didn't really look like a cutthroat trout which would resemble to Kokanee a little in color cuz cutts are very bright in this lake, and we didn't really think much of that fish, since I never thought there would be Kokanee in this lake, so your right there is Kokanee in there. If you like catfish they are in this lake. Even more in gissburg ponds aka twins makes adult side plenty of 8lbers And it's not the bullhead catfish in there. It has channel catfish
4/19/2015 4:33:00 PM
Yeah heard they are in twin lakes how do u catch them
4/19/2015 4:38:00 PM
Bait fishng, use worms , shrimp, chicken liver is good, any meat works They mainly bite around dusk and night time , but you can still catch them evening time.
4/19/2015 10:29:00 PM
Does it matter where I fish in the front or back have u caught one thank you for the tips
4/20/2015 1:54:00 PM
Middle and end parts of lake
4/23/2015 11:41:00 AM
Hi Leo! I heard they stocked Gissburg with Channel a long time ago (last report I saw was 2011). They are still in there? If so.,.. i'm interested! I have only caught bullhead at a few local lakes... would love to see a live channel though.
4/23/2015 1:54:00 PM
Yes they are in there, if you fish for them you will catch them, as not to many people fish for catfish in those ponds, just use bait that's has a lot of smell/stinky bait,
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709