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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Spencer Lake Report
Mason County, WA



61° - 65°
Top Fishing From Shore
Rainbow Trout
46° - 50°

First report in quite some time, I just haven't had much time to fish lately. With the little man in school now, and my days off falling on weekdays, my free time has become very limited, and mostly at Spencer due to proximity to his school. I can get a line wet while I am waiting for his school day to end.

Although I've fished Spencer almost every week for the last several months, the time spent there has been short; 30 minutes to an hour usually. With the weather today, and the now longer evenings, we had some extra time to fish after he was out of school. Hit the lake around 3:30, using power eggs off the bottom, which always seems to net at least one good fish. I don't think I've caught a trout there in the last 6 months that was UNDER 16 inches, and today was no exception.

Nothing happening off the bottom, but I kept seeing fish rolling over by the boat ramp. Wandered over there to take a peek, and saw a half dozen trout chasing each other in the shallows, all of good size. Walked back to the other side of the access, reeled in, and cast back out just off to the side of those fish. Zero interest.

Another gentleman had just put in his boat, and was casting a spinner back towards the beach, and hooked into a nice fat rainbow, probably 16-18". Snubnosed, missing most of it's pectoral fins, typical broodstock fish.

I only had one spinner with me, a #5 Blue Fox, on my steelhead rod (from an all to brief trip to the Skook last week).

Why not? And glad I did. This big broodhen slammed that spinner right after it hit the water, first cast. 19.75 inches and just an ounce under 4#'s. On a 9'6" steehead rod. Let the little man reel it in and boy was he ecstatic. He's still scared of that "nasty slime" though, I hope he gets over that eventually.

And then nothing more after that. I guess between myself and the guy in the boat, we spooked them away.

Still, it was hard to beat, being out enjoying a sunny, early-spring day, and able to bring home supper.

It's hard to make better memories than that.


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709