11/13/2014 7:00:00 AM2. The boats were not trapping the trout where they were poured into the lake. Many of the large trout stay in the shallow water for awhile - perhaps to get accustomed to being set "free". I was there on Wed Nov 5 (in a small boat) & have been there at prior year trout plantings.
3. Kayak, canoe, and boat fishers were catching and releasing and keeping trout after the first and 2nd truck plants.
4. Fishers fishing from the Beaver Lake Park side were catching large trout soon after the trout planting indicating that some of the large trout spread out rather quickly after they are planted at the boat launch.

11/13/2014 8:13:00 PM2. yes kayak/boats/canoe were blocking all the fish in, I have been there for a few years of stockings, and always did good from the other side, across the launch, but of course there were not as many boats especially all crowed in one magical Circle,
3. Yes they do stay in the shallow , but The whole south side of the lake is shallow there would be definitely be more people catching from the shore if all the boats etc wouldn't be spooking and trapping the fish. (Fish are not as smart as humans, you don't literally need a net to trap them, a lot of boats circling around the boat launch will do the trick). I saw maybe 4 fish caught from morning to 4pm out of many fishing men that were on shore.
4. Just to point out a little fact , that the boat launch was suppose to be closed all day of nov 5 till nov 6. But was opened after the 4th stock, so I suppose the wdfw lady saw the chaos of boaters, and thought I should open the gates for the last stocks, so others can get a crack at it, instead of all the boaters blocking/catching the fish. I'm not saying all the fish were trapped by the launch , but pretty much a big percentage and that's a fact.
The only thing ill give you is, I agree they are not triploids
Anything else you want to add?