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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Tye Lake Report
Snohomish County, WA



51° - 55°
Rainbow Trout
56° - 60°

I got to the lake about 10 and was on the water with my "personal fishing device" about 10:30. Bank bait fishers were doing OK, but that's not my cup of tea. I decided to leave the fly fishing gear in the truck and just fish lures. I started with a Panther Martin, but after a couple casts decided it wasn't giving me the type of action I wanted and switched to a Dick Nite. That was the ticket! I hooked and played 19 fish and probably missed at least 10. (These are the 10-12 inch plants that were originally meant to be steelhead plants but are instead being planted in lakes as a result of the WDFW decision to drastically curtail steelhead plants to avoid further litigation).

At least half of these fish went "airborne" and ballistic". It was a lot of fun and I had managed to land the full limit (currently 10 fish on this lake), by 2:30. I'm sorry I forgot to take pictures of the fish. All the fish were caught on the same #1 Dick Nite Redhead and Brass spoon with a single large split shot about 18" above.

This is shaping up to be a great "put and take" fishery this fall and winter. Great fun and good eating when the rivers are blown out, like right now!


11/6/2014 6:46:00 PM
Nice catch. Those Dick Nites have always worked great here in EWA. Started fishing them with my father in law in the 60's. We fish 18# leaded line with 60' of leader. Always got rainbows when others didn't. Sure would like to have some of those steelies over here on the East side, but hey we may have hard water pretty soon except for Lake Roosevelt.

Tight lines jimfishes2 - Alan
11/6/2014 9:37:00 PM
Nice to see you out at Tye. Here is a link which shows where the God's Tooth spoons can be purchased. Hope to see you out there again in the near future. http://elginfishing.com/where-to-buy.html
Tight lines!
11/7/2014 7:20:00 AM
Thanks, foryou. I'm glad to see they are available at so many local places. I like the idea of reversing the head/tail for different action. Do they use split rings? That would also be a plus, easier to change or replace hooks. I'll go out and get a few of those today and try them next week. I prefer to fish Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, while my wife is working. I'll have to get her fishing when she retires next year!??
11/7/2014 11:24:00 AM
Hi jimfishes2,
The spoon does have split rings on both ends for ease of switching the hook. The steelhead generally prefer the faster action but on the brown trout, seemed to prefer the slower (wobble action).
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709