8/25/2014 12:00:00 AM
Picture me trollin'
8/25/2014 4:27:00 AM
The Quadfather
8/25/2014 7:05:00 AMSeach under " Speelyi Beach Park, Lake Cabins Road, Cle Elum, WA" this is a gravel/sand beach. You can launch via the beach. The lake in this area is very sandy/gravelly, and will support most boats pretty well. 4WD of course you would want. Don't know your boat exactly, but this is where most people launch when the lake is low. There are a couple other beach launches as you go up lake, but at the last time I was up at thie one I am thinking of, the turn off from the Hwy was REALLY awkward for a trailer. Go to Speelyi Beach.