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Bosworth Lake Report
Snohomish County, WA



56° - 60°

I arrived at bosworth at 0dark30 (5:30am) blew up my raft, rigged up my rods and on the water by 5:50am, the skies were overcast and it was cool enough to warrant wearing a light jacket. On one rod i trolled 1 oz of split shots above a snubber, then a clown dodger, 14" leader and yellow hoochie bare hooks no scent or bait, my other rod had 3oz banana weight, 4' of line, snubber, pink splatter dodger, 10" leader, pink smile blade wedding ring. I started my troll against the wind going towards the far end of the lake. I didnt make it very far before i started getting hits on the clown set up, i hooked up and caught and released a rainbow, about 3 minutes into trolling. About 2 minutes later i get a tap tap on the clown set up again, set the hook(lightly) and i boat a 10" landlocked coho!! This is the first landlocked salmon ive ever caught while intentionally targetting them! I continue my troll, another little tap tap, and up comes a 8" coho, with 1 hook in its mouth and the other in its eyeball... retained. By this point ive reached the far end of the lake, and its 6:25 am all 3 fish were caught on the clown set up so far, i start back towards the launch, going woth the wind, im barely paddling, just enough to give my dodger action, and slam dunk my rod tip goes down, i bring it in its a nice bright 11 1/2" cutthroat, retained. Next hit comes on my pink set up, huge fight, c&rd a very fat 13 1/2" bow, then i c&rd another 11" bow 3 minutes later, by this point ive completed my 2nd pass, kept 2 coho and a cutt and released 3 bows so far..i start back towards the far end of the lake i c &r 2 more bows on pink and miss a lot of taps on the clown pattern, i make it to the end turn around i c&r another bow on pink then i decide to ad krill cured corn to my pink set up to see if i can get a salmon to hit it. My next hit came on the clown , c&r a bow, then there was a lul in action for about 20 minutes. At 7:45 clown rod burries, reel it up, thinking" darn not another bow" because its fighting pretty hard, but it turned out to be a chunky 12 1/2" coho, then my pink rod goes off as im unhooking that coho, i reel it up, and its another 8" coho, but it was caught on bait and completed my limit so i kept it. I noticed salmon and trout jumping all over the lake, and i could tell the difference by size, i saw alot of 8" chromers jumping as compaired to the 11"-13" trout.. i missed too many hits to count also. I landed at the boatlaunch at 8:00 am with 4 coho and 1 cutthroat for my limit... still have yet not to limit out at bosworth this year... and it kerps getting better and better. I had the whole lake to myself again as usual.


8/20/2014 1:56:00 PM
Coho in Bosworth ? That lake by Macias/Snohomish.
8/20/2014 3:46:00 PM
Nice! Good Job!
8/20/2014 3:52:00 PM
Nice job as always
8/20/2014 5:04:00 PM
correct doug c, and yeah its by macias.
8/20/2014 7:16:00 PM
Nice report. Very interesting
8/20/2014 8:03:00 PM
I still think those are kokes, but spotty ones for sure. Hybrids? Either way, nice fish!
8/20/2014 10:03:00 PM
there are spots on the upper lobe of the tail, and the give away is the stomach has food other than plankton in its stomach, most of the contents were a grainy dark brown, with the occational blood worm.. kokes only eat plankton and by the diet alone, it must be landlocked coho. thank you for the feedback though.
thanks all for reading my report .
8/21/2014 7:32:00 AM
Very interesting and informative report :)
8/21/2014 7:37:00 AM
I think I may have misled you with my previous post on your earlier report. It was mostly an explination for why these fish were there not so much questioning what they were. You first post was hard to tell from because it was such a small fish. But these are more kokanee like than coho like for sure. That big gold eye screams koke as well as body shape and scale size and arangement. The spots are a mystery for sure but not unheard of for a koke. And as far as diet goes all fish are somewhat opportunistic. They are going to eat what is available. As long as its all smallish stuff its not out of the ordinary for a koke. Check out the wa lakes vid on riffe lake and compare those fish to yours. Also fishing with rod has a koke vs coho id vid on YouTube.
8/21/2014 5:23:00 PM
well we will find out for sure come the end of october just before bosworth closes, the fish will certainly be showing their span colors and we will all know for sure, the largest of the salmon was a hen just starting to blush and the next largest was a buck. give it a month or more, and it will be blatantly obvious what they are.
8/21/2014 5:37:00 PM
Those look like kokanee to me.
8/21/2014 5:47:00 PM
Another thing to consider is that Kokanee are sockeye salmon that evolved to stay in lakes rather than go out to sea. There is no known strain of coho like that. They do plant them in big landlocked resoivoirs, but give a coho smolt an outlet and it will head for the sea, guaranteed.
8/21/2014 5:47:00 PM
they look like landlocked salmon to me, whether its a sockeye or coho, i don't know, Ive only ever caught 6 in my life so, some people are saying coho, some are saying kokes.. if they are a new type of salmon im naming them after me.. just saying.. lol... again we will know for sure in a month or so when they show spawning colors, then it'll be obvious.
8/21/2014 5:49:00 PM
thanks for the feedback by the way, very informative, a great learning experience :)
8/21/2014 7:32:00 PM
If your fishing there again before they turn and you want to know for sure you can count the gill rakers. That is the white feather like inward faceing part of the gill. . If you count the rakers and you have 30 or bettee its a koke. Coho shouldnt have more than 26.
8/21/2014 7:32:00 PM
Jonb, this may help or not. Depending on where the heads are and if the fish are in the belly already.......lol!

Kokanee (Silver Trout)
Its back is greenish blue to silver with faint speckling. The sides and belly are
silvery with no distinct spotting. When kokanee spawn in fall, their sides turn
red to scarlet. The inside of the mouth is white, not black as in some salmon.

Coho Salmon
Black spots on back with a few spots on the upper portion of the tail.
White mouth with a white gum line and dark tongue. Average size scales.
Silver pigment on the tail.

Biggest difference from the two cut and pasted fish I.D.'s above, found in the WDFW reg's. Is the Kokanee has a all white mouth, including the tongue.

While the Coho has a dark tongue. Less obvious would be the Coho's tail has silver in it.

Hmmm..........here is mention of the "gold eyes" someone mentioned:

Sockeye Salmon
No prominent spots on back or tail (small speckles may be present).
White mouth with a white gum line and dark tongue. Average size scales.
Prominent gold-colored eyes. No silver pigment on the tail. Small teeth.

I am curious what your catching jonb. The fish in your picture appear to have "gold eyes". But "gold eyes are not in the Kokanee id. But are in the Ocean going version (Sockeye).
8/21/2014 7:36:00 PM
I still what to know how they got there cause your posts are the only refference to this population of fish in that lake that I can find anywhere.
8/21/2014 7:47:00 PM
i think the most interesting part is that they aren't just a fluke, i am 100% sure there is a HEALTHY population of them, i saw them jumping not 10' from my raft, the bite never really slowed down for more than 20 minutes, and even then i still got small taps from start until i limited and if i didn't limit so soon , i bet i could've caught many many more.... and like you said kingston, no mention of them anywhere.. BUT there is a fish ladder on bosworth creek as it gets to the lake, so who knows whats in there, maybe ill get a blackmouth next trip lol (i wish)
8/21/2014 8:32:00 PM
ok Ive got it, they are sockokanoho salmon...thats my name for them until i get a confirmed identification.
8/22/2014 6:29:00 AM
I thought you were going to name them after yourself. ;)
8/22/2014 6:55:00 AM
ok , jonb strain sockokanoho salmon, would be the official name then lol
8/23/2014 4:21:00 PM
They look like Coho. They even have spots on their back, and I've never seen a Kokanee with spots. The two bigger ones look like the jack coho that I pull out of the Green.
8/30/2014 3:53:00 PM
I also caught several of these at Bosworth yesterday. They are definitely different from the trout we were catching. Another interesting observation: many/most of the trout we caught had parasites, or sores from where parasites had been. None of the kokes? did though.
Mike Carey
8/31/2014 6:58:00 AM
call the WDFW fish biologist for this area. I bet he/she could help clear it up.
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Phone: (509) 687-0709