YJ Guide Service
7/25/2014 9:51:00 PM
7/25/2014 10:04:00 PM
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
Walleye fishing at the south end of Banks Lake produced limits of walleyes to 26 inches today. The key today was pulling crankbaits in the morning in low light conditions and some wind in 14-18 feet of water, then switching to spinner rigs and deeper water (20-30 feet) once the sun got higher and the wind stopped blowing.
The water level at Banks is at full pool which makes for fantastic fishing as it pushes the fish back into shallower water.
Pull the crankbaits at 2 mph, then pull your spinner rigs with one ounce bottom bouncers at .6 - 1.0 mph.
Guided fishing for Walleye on Banks Lake, Moses Lake, Potholes Reservoir and Rufus Woods.
Smallmouth Bass and Largemouth Bass on Banks Lake, Moses Lake, and Potholes Reservoir.Trophy class Triploid Trout on Rufus Woods.Rainbow Trout on Lake Roosevelt and Banks Lake.
Coast Guard Certified.Washington State Fish and Wildlife Certified.
Big Wallys Guide Service
Official Digital Angler Sponsor
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service