Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
Another tricky day fishin. got started at 12:30 and picked up a nice Rainbow right away. half hour later got a pee wee rainbow and turned it loose since it was undamaged. Got a nice hook up and was reeling it in, it dove deep below the boat and the line got caught on something so lost the fish and my gear. It was the first of 2 sets of gear I lost. I was trying to adjust my sonar and it locks up and quit working for rest of day, which was the cause of the second gear lost I found the bottom lost the tackle but kept the DR balls so minor loss. The rest of day fishin blind I got another RBT and turned it loose, I have frezzer full of them already. Not a kokanee to be found today. I guess I need to get up at crack of dawn and try again. On way back to dock the sonar decides to start working again.
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service