6/3/2014 10:55:00 AM
6/4/2014 11:19:00 AM
6/5/2014 5:22:00 PMI have seen a few of your reports and was wondering if you could point me in the right direction for some good largemouth/smally fishing. I was out on Lake Ki this morning but had no luck what so ever (even though I have heard that there are Largemouth in that lake). I am originally from upstate NY, moved out here a few years ago and just finally got myself a boat to do some fishing. I am just not sure where to go for some good bass fishing since most people out here fish for trout or salmon. I'm not looking for you to give away your "honey holes", just some good lakes in Snohomish county to have some fun on. I am used to east coast (finger lakes) bass fishing and from what I have been reading, they are a whole different breed of bass out here...they spawn sooner and tend to hang out in a little bit deeper water than their eastern brothers. Thanks in advance for any tips you can offer and good luck on the water.