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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Stevens Lake Report
Snohomish County, WA



56° - 60°
Squid Rings
61° - 65°

After such a great day last Saturday I wanted to fish Stevens again. I was in the water and fishing by 5 am I got one good hit right off the bat then nothing. I picked up one around 8 ish then nothing for the next couple hours I was marking fish they just didnt want to play. The hit/drive by came off a pink squid so I stuck with that and changed up the other rod. Around 1030 I had a double header and worked hard to get 7 in the boat to end my day around 1245. There is lots of moss and cotton in the water witch cost me a fish when it balled up at my rod tip and made my line stick. I wasnt quick enough to unstick it. I lost 5 total these guys were full of spunk and would shoot straight to the top of the water to splash off the hooks there wasnt any trick to be tried like dipping your tip as suggested. No real size to brag about but Nice cookie cutters. I got a neat little skinner to play with dose a nice job I think. You have to work at it but they are biting.


5/25/2014 7:40:00 AM
Great job and I was thinking about that skinner myself looks like it worked well for you. Easy to use? Way to keep after them and stick with it, I too have had those fish run to the top of the water and start jumping like crazy, for me it seems the faster I go the less they do this but who knows is just fun to get out and enjoy and know there bitting what you have in the water. Always nice to bring home fish to. Tight lines.
5/25/2014 9:12:00 AM
It is always fun just being out on the water. Hooking up and having a fight is a blast and its great to get them in the boat. The skinner works very easy this is my third time using it. I have found that it works great if you fillet the fish then skin them its much easier. I found this style named in a kokanee book I read. There is a youtube video that shows how it works.
5/25/2014 2:59:00 PM
I must of read the same book. I see them on ebay for cheap once in a blue moon, looks like I will pull the trigger and get one. I like the way they smoke without the skin. I have been taking the skin of mine with the fillet knife not to hard just don't cut the tail area and flip the fillet over and keep the knife going comes out clean but there are days its a bit hard to hang on to.
5/25/2014 9:22:00 PM
How deep were you running?
5/25/2014 9:24:00 PM
Ive tried to do it with a fillet knife but messed up my fillets a few times I tried.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709