Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
Well lately I have been planning my trips based off of Jigimiester's reports so "thanks jigi". I ended up getting my buddy to guide us from "half the boat/half the price guide service" on some walleye at the famous moses hole. We started off by having to get worms and ice in the tri shootys. The guy at the gas station wants to go fishing with us soo bad, he bought us the worms hoping that next time he'll get an invite. We had to hurry because he said he was off work in 10 minutes so instead of filling the tank, we left town with just a little over half. I rated this a 4 because we were catching fish soo fast that I didn't have time to spend with my friends; every conversation was abruptly interrupted by someone yelling "grab the net." Singles, doubles, triples, tangled nets, bloody fingers, and energy drinks. 10-20 fow, 1.2 mph, green, red, or silver spinner, death hook and 1/2 inch of worm did for us. We all came home with stained fingers as our little trick of "curing" our worms seemed to work great, but gave us some seriously ugly green fingers. Needless to say our wives were happy that we got home before 10.
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service