Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
WOW!! Wait a Day Sun Shining mid to upper 40s no wind knee bothering me was going to fish a creek up near snoqualmie falls with another fishn bud but decided to give my bum knee a rest and go to American Lake boat fishn ! Another fishn partner caught 5 kokanee there on Wednesday got 3 in the boat all around 13' pink flasher,orange mini squid double hooks down rigger and ping maggots!! So figure me and fishn bud n his son can catch something weather perfect etc fished from 230 to 445 not a bite all three poles green maggots worms wedding rings green red mix red n green flashers gold spinners etc varied depth and distance all three poles from 30 down to 50 and lower and higher distance throut day trolled along outer edges and aroung silcox island in front of bills boat house lost one whol set up was pulling line out of reel with drag set mod tight apox pulled 70 feet and reeled in somethg was heavy the broke off at swivel above flasher at far end of lake near condos what was that just retied noticed three boats tied together closeby and a solo boat in are kept going could figure if caught on bottom or what ??? NO FSH TO CLEAN TODAY!! Handed out hand warmers and extra gloves and coats near dusk !Its still winter!! 1st time boat out Mad Russian n son ol Honda started and ran like a top does what its suppose to do!!! Better Luck next time FISH N !! Was fun fun to bring a lil lunch out on the water anyway fish or no fish for dinner today!!!!
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service