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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Washington Lake Report
King County, WA



41° - 45°
Bottom Fishing From Boat
Mostly Sunny
Hook & Bait
51° - 55°

I have not fish Lake Washington in a long time, and decided to go perch fishing today. I arrived at my favorite spot for this time of year around 9:30 am, and the first drop to the bottom brought back to the boat 2 fatties. I thought wow… and then non-stop action for about 2-3 hours. I lost interest around noon, and while I was starting filleting the fish I thought lets do some trolling for cuts which is has been awhile since fishing for them in this lake. I got 2 cutts also. Go get the perch now, there’s enough for everybody! 60 to 70’ deep is the ticket! The bigger the bait , the bigger the fish. Don’t be afraid of using large bait for the perch! Tight lines!


11/4/2013 8:07:00 PM
Nice fish!
11/4/2013 9:38:00 PM
Nice batch of perch! I used to live over there and wondered where they went in the fall. Didn't have the electronics to find them in those days. Big ones are not bashful predators, They love Berkley minnows on the drop shot rig.
11/5/2013 9:10:00 AM
Looks like the storm did its job in turning over the lake and concentrating the bait/fish. Nice haul!
11/5/2013 10:32:00 AM
This is great! I have a boat moored at the UW arboretum and caught TONS of perch and small/largemouth this summer. During spawning, the perch were between 5-15 ft of water just past the thick weeds. Where should I look for them now? I don't have sonar on my little row boat and I'm pretty much limited to Union Bay around the 520 bridge. Any suggestions for me?
11/6/2013 6:41:00 AM
Hunting perch in the late fall and winter months would be real tough without a sonar unit. Union Bay is a bit shallow for winter perch, you'll need to get out into the main part of the lake. The fish are usually found anywhere between 60 and 100 feet down and staying on top of them, once you find them, is a must. You can give it a shot right outside of Webster Point and into the bay immediately north of it.
11/6/2013 7:43:00 AM
Great, thanks for the advice. Unfortunately, as a UW student you're only allowed to moor motor less boats at the Waterfronts Activity Center, so my options are pretty limited. Luckily I still have a 2 gallon freezer bag full of perch fillets from this summer so maybe that'll just have to tide me over til the spring.
11/6/2013 9:22:00 PM
That's great!

What size were the at that depth? Ive only caught em in the shallows and they were small
11/9/2013 3:27:00 PM
Awesome! Where were you fishing?
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709