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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Badger Lake Report
Spokane County, WA


81° - 85°
Cutthroat Trout
66° - 70°

My uncle was staying at his in-laws cabin on Badger, and since I have never fished it before, and have never caught a cutthroat before I figured I would give it a shot since the are killing it soon. I scrolled through all the reports to see what others had usef in the past, snf none of it worked for me. I hardly marked and fish that weren't bass. In a last ditch effort I through on a walleye spinner with a chunk of worm, and 5 mins later had my first cutthroat. My unle took care of the fish re baited and setback. Another pass and a hard release from the DR and then nothing. The line was cut and lure was gone, and of course I didn't have anything even close to match it so we put away the trolling gear and went in search of my first bass. The bass were small and plentiful. Almost every cast got a follow from 4 or more small fish. I can see why they are planning to kill it off. So many fish and not enough food. Makes you wonder if a dozen tiger muskies early on could have saved the kill off. Anyway fishing was slow for trout and pointless for bass but I did catch 2 species of fish I had never caught before and another goodtime hanging out with my uncle.


9/11/2013 4:35:00 PM
Yeah, I fished Badger Lake last Saturday morning (September 7th) and only caught small bass. There were no trout around my lure. I remember fishing Badger in the late 1980s when Cutthroat Trout was king there.
9/11/2013 8:28:00 PM
The one i was able to pick up was a gorgeous 15" and a fighter. I am currently looking for another lak that i can try again for some. My daughter thoghtt was the prettiest fish an really wants to catch one.
Jay Cunningham
9/13/2013 8:50:00 AM
Do you know when they are kiling off the lake?
9/25/2013 9:15:00 PM
not specifically, but i heard from a couple of people it was in October, not sure which part. I had/have no plans on fishing this lake again so i never looked in for specifics.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709