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Stickney Lake Report
Snohomish County, WA


Top Fishing From Shore
Rainbow Trout

I went back again yesterday and it was REALLY slow fishing. Had variances of 6-10 lines out anywhere from 3:30 to 9:30 and only 5 fish caught TOTAL from everyone collectively. Everyone was using the power bait or eggs and I had my worm and bobber off to the side. A meager 9" trout got on my line in the first 20 minutes and got me all excited thinking I could max out (which I have yet to do anywhere- man am I GREEN!). Unfortunately, this visit proved to be not much of a fishing adventure because that early one was the only one I caught! It worked out though... a hot day, more of a getting to know the regulars (they were all VERY friendly people and kindly brought my keys to me when I misplaced them), and another fellow that was sitting next to me gave me the one fish that he caught. Another gentleman said he'd seen a comment I'd made in here. He had a truly extraordinary hand made beautiful wooden boat that he transported in HALF and clamped together to get it ready to go on the water!!! I saw a sweet old timer fellow that had been nice to me over at Blackman's Lake where I met him a little while back. He said it's been slow there so he was checking out how Stickney was. A couple of other fellows offered friendly advice on a variety of subjects. Some of which I knew a little bit about but I'm always willing to shut up and listen because there is always more than I can learn. All in all- the day was SUPER hot (I'm glad I'd thought to bring my large umbrella for sun shade), the locals were friendly and having a good time, welcomed me in & joked around with me. There are people that have been coming here a LONG time and this shore is a well established stomping ground/home away from home for many folks. A good experience. I'll come back again but hope the fishing picks up!


6/7/2013 1:32:00 PM
Glad you had a good time even though you only caught the one. I fished Stickney about 3 weeks ago when I tried two other lakes that both were packed (I hate the crowds). I experienced similar results when I fished there. I caught only one but had a great conversations with several of the others who were fishing there. You can tell they fish there on a regular bases... they all seemed to know each other. At one point I casted pretty close to another fisherman’s line. I could tell he was not happy and told me not to move my line as he was afraid I would snag his line. So I waited patiently and he finally got a hit and brought in a nice little 10in fish. While he was dealing with that fish and putting a new leader on I reeled in my line and re-cast it to a new safer location. When he came back to cast again the guy on the other side of him had just cast a little too close to his side as well. So then the guy started to freak out. He was like you (the other guy) are in my way and because this guy (me) is right in front of me with his line I got nowhere to cast all in a town that came off lie a real A-Hole. I kindly said, Oh when you were dealing with that fish I decided to re-cast in order to give you that whole lane in front of you. He gave me a dirty look and just cast his line. I smiled to the other guy (on the other side) who smiled back as if to jointly say what a jerk. Anyway I felt a bit uncomfortable after that and realized these old timers don’t like people coming into their turf. Unless you kiss their A@@ and praise them for being some type of fishing legend (which they are not) they want nothing to do with you. So after a bit of no action I left… I liked the lake but am very cautious of people who take over a hole as if they owned it.
6/7/2013 4:25:00 PM
Understandable, considering it is a fishing hole for the public. I proceed with caution, make sure to be clear that I am polite and no threat & of course don't WANT to make people unhappy... it seems to work out. It is SO tight there though! Perhaps I'm a good a$$ kisser- no skin off my back to be extra sugary. You know the old adage: you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. No matter who you are, how well you cast, the lines are back to back tight and their going to cross at some point. It made sense how they all worked it out though. Another person squeezed in by me and crossed my line. Similar to your experience, we agreed that if he caught a fish, I'd real in quick so as not to tangle them. If I caught one first, it would more than likely be ok since he was out farther as my bobber drifted in. One particular fellow was concerned about casting next to me (which I assured him was ok). I understand why he was concerned because didn't have much experience and it went totally wonky. Next cast, he had his friend do it for him. I don't recommend this lake unless you are VERY good at casting straight out (not on a windy day) & understanding the common protocol of how to work in tight quarters. It's a tangled mess of lines for sure though and can be either a frustrating experience (or amicable depending on how the communication is). It worked out well for me since I was bobber top fishing- I took the spot further to the left since it drifted to the left. Anyone new went to my right and battled it out with all the rest of the power baiters. If you go there again, I'll be the bobber to the left with the umbrella if it's sunny. Can't miss me! lol I think I'll be trying a few other lakes too to get a feel for what else is out there, get more experience under my belt, get to know more locals, gather more advice, and of course- gather more... FISH!
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709