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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Lost (Devil's) Lake Report
Snohomish County, WA



Top Fishing From Boat
Largemouth Bass

left my house at 530 and the weather was calm and no wind so we decided to hook up the boat and head out to devils lake for our attempt to actually catch bass, (I have been unsuccessful for the last couple years). we get the lake it is just barely sprinkling and calm I am thinking to myself this will be our day. we launch and get the pole ready then the rain hits. its starts pouring down rain and we can hear thunder in the distance. my buddy and I keep fishing and my girlfriend takes cover in all her layers and hides from the rain to stay warm. Once again my friend has no clue on what to use or even where to cast for bass. so I give him a white spinner bait to use while I tie on a jointed rapala. we get almost a complete fishless loop around the lake when BOOM!! my friends pole slams down and fish on. he is not used to having to fight a fish so I am trying to coach him while digging the net, reeling in my pole, and keeping the boat from crashing into the dock. after a few close calls going under the boat I snag it from the water and what a beast it turned out to be. I am cursing his name and jealous and happy that after years of fishing we finally get a bass in my boat. after a quick couple pics the fish was release and back to fishing. then in was my time to catch a few I got 5 10"-12" dinkers in about 30 minutes. we called it a trip when we passed the launch again. we were all soaked to the bone but what a trip. I can’t wait to be back on this lake. I think we just caught bass fever


5/23/2013 9:28:00 AM
You not only caught bass fever, but you just spread it! This weekend, the trout will have to wait! What a fish! Great report!
5/23/2013 2:27:00 PM
Whoa nice piggy there.....Thats my favorite lake to catch bass since i live 2miles away.....My best day there was like 30bass in 4 hours last summer....but nuthin over 2lbs though....ITs good to see they've grown a bit =) ...............Hmmmm i feel kinda sick.... I might have to call
in sick to work Friday... HeHeHe =) "Good Report"
5/23/2013 7:45:00 PM
That is a good size bass! Did you get a weight or length and girth measurements? With measurements, the weight can be closely approximated.
5/24/2013 6:51:00 AM
Thanks Motoboat i will have to record that next time. i had no idea that bass could be recoreded that way.

bassasin425, sounds like we need to meet up at the lake one night and do a little fishing. you must know this lake well.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709